Secretly Keto Ice Cream Recipes: the best keto ice cream recipes that you won’t believe are keto + low carb. Serve these secretly keto ice cream recipes with low net carbs.
The day before, freeze the freezer bowl according to your ice cream maker’s instructions.
Day of, blend together coconut milk, coconut cream, vanilla, and keto honey in a food processor. Here is the food processor I use. Scrape down the sides of the processor as needed. Blend until smooth and well mixed.
Add liquid monkfruit drops to taste. I used 26 drops. Blend until smooth and well mixed.
Pour mixture into ice cream maker. Follow directions for making ice cream according to ice cream maker’s directions.
Enjoy immediately if you like soft ice cream. If you like firmer ice cream, pour into an ice cream container and freeze for 2-5 hours, until firm.
Ice cream is best the first day. On Day 2 and forward, set ice cream out at room temperature to thaw for 20-90 minutes, until creamy and scoopable. Enjoy! Storing instructions below.
Click on each flavor to learn how to make that exact keto ice cream:
Recommended Ingredients (click on each product to buy): Keto Honey • Keto Maple Syrup • Liquid Monkfruit • Coconut Milk + Coconut CreamStoring Instructions: Store in an airtight, freezer-friendly ice cream container, such as this one. If serving after completely frozen, allow about 20-90 minutes to thaw—until creamy and scoopable.For Quick Thaw: Heat in the microwave in 10 second increments until the edges are a bit melty and ice cream is easy to scoop. Make sure your container is microwave-safe.Ice Cream Making Tools: Ice Cream Maker • Food Processor • Ice Cream Scoop (Mint)