Chocolate Keto Ice Cream Recipe – Homemade!

This decadent chocolate keto ice cream recipe yields rich ‘n creamy homemade keto ice cream. Just 1 net carb for delicious keto ice cream!

Back when we lived in Boston, Erik and I started the keto diet. And by start, I mean we stopped, then started, then stopped again because we didn’t think it was realistic. Then we started again because we-weren’t-quitters-gosh-dang-it!!

And let me tell you (as if you didn’t already know this), one of the hardest things to give up was ice cream. It was hard friggin’ impossible to find yummy keto ice cream, and even more impossible to even dream about keto ice cream that wasn’t a bajillion dollars a pint.

With the daunting ice-cream-less future in our sights, we were like, “We gotta make keto ice cream and we gotta take it seriously!!” No mistakes, no typos (we see you, “ cream” and “keto icecream”), no inedible keto ice cream creations.

So what do we have today? A chocolate keto ice cream recipe to end all chocolate keto ice cream recipes (but in a less dire-sounding way). This homemade keto ice cream is soooo good.

What does this Homemade Keto Ice Cream Taste Like?

The Taste & Texture: imagine rich and creamy keto chocolate ice cream with deep chocolate flavor and velvety sweetness all throughout. Allow your chocolate keto ice cream to thaw just the right amount and your ice cream scoop will cut right through the bucket like butter.

Chocolate Keto Ice Cream Recipe: this decadent chocolate keto ice cream recipe yields rich ‘n creamy homemade keto ice cream. Just 1 net carb for delicious keto ice cream! #Keto #KetoIceCream #LowCarb #Chocolate | Recipe at

How to Make Chocolate Keto Ice Cream

With just a few steps, you’ll be able to easily make the best homemade keto ice cream.


Plan ahead by 1 day. Grab the freezer bowl from your favorite ice cream maker and pop it in the freezer to chill.


Day of, add all chocolate keto ice cream ingredients to a food processor. That includes: coconut milk, coconut cream, raw cacao powder, keto maple syrup, low carb sweetener, vanilla and almond extract. Blend until well mixed, scraping down the sides of the processor as needed.


Pour the keto ice cream mixture into the ice cream maker. Churn, baby, churn! 😉 Churn the ice cream until it’s firm. 


Enjoy the best homemade keto ice cream ever! If you like it firm, go ahead and freeze it for a few hours, then scoop and enjoy.

Simple Keto Ingredients & Tools for the Best Keto Ice Cream Recipe

Coconut Milk

Unsweetened, full-fat coconut milk is one of my favorite keto ingredients to use when making homemade keto ice cream. It’s low carb, high fat and low in sugar. I use coconut milk to add creaminess to today’s chocolate keto ice cream as well as my coconut milk ice cream recipe.

Coconut Cream

Coconut cream is a wonderful keto-friendly ingredient because it’s low carb and provide a rich source of healthy fat. [1]

Keto Maple Syrup + Keto Sweetener Drops 

After scouring the internet & using All of the Keto Sweeteners Known to Humankind, I can assure you, these are two of my faves. Pleasant sweetness, no weirdo aftertastes. There’s another keto maple syrup that I love, but for this recipe, I stick to this particular low carb sweetener for the just-right sweetness.

Ice Cream Maker

This is the exact ice cream maker that I’ve been using for years and years. Yep, I even bought two new ones this year! (It’s basically an ice cream factory at my house.) It’s affordable, easy-to-use, nice-looking (doesn’t hurt) and works beautifully.

Rich ‘n creamy chocolate keto ice cream with deep chocolate flavor & velvety sweetness throughout. Just 1 net carb per serving. 

Chocolate Keto Ice Cream Recipe: this decadent chocolate keto ice cream recipe yields rich ‘n creamy homemade keto ice cream. Just 1 net carb for delicious keto ice cream! #Keto #KetoIceCream #LowCarb #Chocolate | Recipe at

Whether you got here by searching “ cream” or “keto icecream” or “keto ice cream”, I’m glad you made it here. And just know that I, too, made at minimum 2,000 typos while typing just this sentence. 😉  I truly can’t wait to hear what you and your loved ones think of my keto ice cream recipe! Let me know in the comments below if you try it. ‘Til the next keto adventure…

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤️

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Chocolate Keto Ice Cream Recipe: this decadent chocolate keto ice cream recipe yields rich ‘n creamy homemade keto ice cream. Just 1 net carb for delicious keto ice cream! #Keto #KetoIceCream #LowCarb #Chocolate | Recipe at

📸 Did you make this keto ice cream recipe? Take a pic and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #beamingbaker & tag @beamingbaker. I’d love to see it! 📸

Delicious Keto Ice Cream Recipes

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Chocolate Keto Ice Cream Recipe: this decadent chocolate keto ice cream recipe yields rich ‘n creamy homemade keto ice cream. Just 1 net carb for delicious keto ice cream! #Keto #KetoIceCream #LowCarb #Chocolate | Recipe at

Chocolate Keto Ice Cream Recipe – Homemade!

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Chocolate Keto Ice Cream Recipe: this decadent chocolate keto ice cream recipe yields rich ‘n creamy homemade keto ice cream. Just 1 net carb for delicious keto ice cream!




  1. The day before, freeze the freezer bowl according to your ice cream maker’s instructions. Here is the ice cream maker I use.
  2. Blend all ingredients together in a food processor. Scrape down the sides of the processor as needed. Blend until smooth and well mixed.
  3. Pour mixture into ice cream maker. Follow directions for making ice cream according to ice cream maker’s directions.
  4. Enjoy immediately if you like super, super soft ice cream. If you like firmer ice cream, pour into an ice cream container and freeze for 2-5 hours, until firm.
  5. Chocolate keto ice cream is best the first day. On Day 2 and forward, set ice cream out at room temperature to thaw for 20-90 minutes, until creamy and scoopable. Enjoy! Storing instructions below.

More Keto Ice Cream Recipes


Where to Buy Ingredients: Full-fat Coconut Milk | Coconut Cream | Keto Maple Syrup | Low Carb Liquid Monkfruit | Raw Cacao Powder | Pure Almond Extract

*I used 26 drops. Use less if you like it less sweet, more if you like it sweeter.

Storing Instructions: Store in an airtight, freezer-friendly ice cream container, such as this one. If serving after completely frozen, allow about 20-90 minutes to thaw—until creamy and scoopable.

For Quick Thaw: Heat in the microwave in 10-second increments until the edges are a bit melty and ice cream is easy to scoop.

Nutrition Information is an estimate based on the ingredients listed in Where to Buy Ingredients. Also, it’s estimated based on 15 servings per recipe.

Recommended Tools: Ice Cream Maker | Extra Freezer Bowls | My Favorite Food Processor | Freezer Door Ice Cream Container | Mini Ice Cream Containers (super cute) 

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 0 mins
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Churn
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 1/3 cup
  • Calories: 109
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Sodium: 17mg
  • Fat: 10g
  • Carbohydrates: 2g, Net Carbs: 1g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg

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