Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free)

Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (V+GF): an easy recipe for chewy and satisfying protein-packed trail mix cookies, full of fruits, seeds and nuts. Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free.

Fresh air, no electronics, comfortable shoes, and great company. Plus a little cardio exertion for the ol’ ticker. <– Sometimes, all you need is a great hike to make the entire week better. *Happy sigh* And maybe, just maybe, some of these gluten free trail mix cookies. 😉

Back in the day, when Erik and I were living in San Diego, we would LOVE to go on a hike. If you’ve ever been to SD, you know what I’m talking about. There are countless trails, beaches, bicycle paths and pretty much anything and everything an outdoor lover could wish for… like, everywhere. It was truly an adventurer’s paradise.

Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (V+GF): an easy recipe for chewy and satisfying protein-packed trail mix cookies, full of fruits, seeds and nuts. #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree |

But did I ever tell you why Erik and I moved there? It was because of the OG: my sister, Penny. She lived there first (she also went to Mount Holyoke first, trailblazer that she is), and she introduced me to so many wonderful aspects of San Diego.

Some highlights: the San Diego Zoo (of course!), Sunset Cliffs, Crystal Pier and most importantly, the hiking hotspots: Cowles Mountain and Torrey Pines.

You guys, I’ve never been on a better hike than the hikes on Cowles Mountain. It is so tough getting to the top. Alright, confession time: it might’ve been just a tad (really, just a tad) bit harder for me since I wasn’t the most active college student at the time. Ahem.

It’s hot, dry, full of rocks, steep hills and lots of incline. I mean A LOT. Well, at least for someone who’s idea of cardio at that point was running on a treadmill once a month to feel good about myself. *Clears throat*

And have you ever been to San Diego? Everyone, like everyone, LOVES exercising. It’s quite the beautiful, but daunting, thing. People are constantly exercising and just… moving. It’s very inspiring but also makes you wanna hide at home. Until you realize you’re being ridiculous and just need to start, ya know… moving, too. 😉

Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (V+GF): an easy recipe for chewy and satisfying protein-packed trail mix cookies, full of fruits, seeds and nuts. #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree |

So there I was, on my first REAL hike, with my super athletic sister, and my super new athletic shoes (that had only been used for my once-monthly treadmill-a-thons). At the base of the mountain, sleek, muscular people are stretching in their ridiculously cute and suave athletic clothes. Kids are hyped up from eating kale and super healthy trail mixes since… er, birth. And the elderly are passing looks over me like, “yeah, it’s gonna be pretty easy to outpace that girl.”

And I’m like, “Yes, it is. Please, go ahead of me. There’s no need to play games. None, whatsoever.” ?

As Penny runs circles around me (ya know, to warm up), I’m putting on my best bravado and hoping these aren’t the shoes that pinch. How would I know? I’ve only worn them like twice. I pretend to know what I’m doing with my stretches, which honestly, are the same ones I saw Billy Blanks do in the 90s when I was a kid. Then, I have myself a little giggle, thinking about how awesome Tae Bo was. Correction: IS.

At long last, it’s time to start moving.

Okay, this is not so bad. There’s just the tiniest incline on the way up. No biggie.

After a few minutes, some kids start passing us and many long-limbed-surely-training-for-the-Olympics adults whiz on by, too. Penny is very patiently matching her pace to mine. She even tries chatting with me, the dear.

Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (V+GF): an easy recipe for chewy and satisfying protein-packed trail mix cookies, full of fruits, seeds and nuts. #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree |

Penny: “How’s school going? Have you made any good friends yet? Ya know, college is always where you meet your for-life friends.”

Me: “I’m—“ *inhales sharply*

Me again: “School is—whaaa?”

Penny: “Are you okay? We’re just getting started! How fun is this?!?”

Me, armed with a dirty look: “Waaaa-ter. Pleeeeeeease!!”

Penny, hopping and positively buzzing with energy: “Why don’t you take your time? I’ll just go up a bit and circle back for you.”

Me: “Unnhhnnnn-huh!!”

My lungs are burning and at least a dozen people in walkers have passed me by. Make that at least 2 dozen. But I can’t give up. Not under any circumstances. So I slow my pace, no longer preoccupied with the energy it takes to talk and walk. I start slowing down my hammering heartbeat.

I climb over one clump of rocks, then circumvent a slippery incline. And then, another.

More kids, walkers, Olympians pass me by. Penny circles back and forth, keeping her heart rate up, while I try my darnedest to keep mine from exploding outta my chest.

Every time I want to give up, I think about getting to the top. I think about telling that little, often-made-fun-of-for-being-overweight-kid in me to that I’m gonna do us proud. I think about how my amazing sister Penny didn’t use to be athletic at all. How her sheer will and determination motivated her to change.

Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (V+GF): an easy recipe for chewy and satisfying protein-packed trail mix cookies, full of fruits, seeds and nuts. #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree |

And I keep climbing. Kids, fitness commercials, ants and even rocks pass me by.

My lungs, my legs and even my fingers are burning. But it’s starting to feel good. Really good.

Every time I start to give up, I see my sister just around the bend. And I know that I can do it.

I feel a swoosh of sweat, wind and sheer superhero energy pass me by. Literally, Superman has just flown past me. With a baby carrier. And a dog on his back. Or something.

But that doesn’t even matter. I don’t have a baby. I don’t even have a dog. SO there! What’s up now, Superman?!?!?

And just as my back starts to ask questions, and my shoes start filing their resignation, I see something.

It’s blue, it’s green and it’s dotted with blurry speckles. I keep moving. One leg forward, and then the other.

Suddenly, things level out. And my sister is grinning the biggest grin you’ll ever see. Except for this time.


The top of Cowles Mountain is breathtaking. Has there ever been a better reward for not giving up? Atop that mountain is a 360° view of San Diego. You can see everything. And it is beautiful. Blue skies stretch as far as the eye can see. Trees, mountains, and water all surround and nestle the people of San Diego.

My sister and I laugh and hug, sweat and burning lungs forgotten. She claps me on the back, hands me a water bottle, and says nothing but everything with that twinkle in her eye.

We both take a deep breath and just enjoy the view.

Then, we start planning the rest of our outdoor adventures for the week: a walk over Sunset Cliffs, a trip to the mall (okay, that kinda counts—outdoor mall, ahem), a run at Mission Bay and so much more.

She turns to me and says, “I’m proud of you.”

I can’t say enough words about how wonderful it is to be supported and believed in. Especially by the people you love. It doesn’t matter if you’re dreaming about taking a cooking class, being an astronaut one day, or psyching yourself up to do a new workout. Just give it a try, and know that I’m here and so are many people in your life, who believe that you can do it.

Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (V+GF): an easy recipe for chewy and satisfying protein-packed trail mix cookies, full of fruits, seeds and nuts. #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree |

With that, allow me to dedicate these Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies to my sister Penny, and everyone else who lifts someone up, or needs a little lifting themselves. 🙂 These cookies will keep you fueled and, most importantly, keep you going with good vibes and support. What do good vibes and support taste like? You tell me.

But in case you can’t, allow me to take the reins. 😉 These Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies are:

  • made with the simplest whole ingredients
  • vegan, gluten free, and dairy free
  • chewy and satisfying
  • packed full of protein and nutrients
  • easy to make
  • plant-based and allergy-friendly
  • great for taking on a hike or on-the-go
  • easily customizable, so you can add in your favorites
  • so deliciously textured
  • packed full of cranberries, almonds and sunflower seeds
  • tasty, because: good vibes and support

So whaddya say? Will you climb a mountain today? Or maybe try something new that you’ve been thinking about? Life is so much more fun when you take a chance. Tell me all about something you’re daunted by, but quite curious about trying—whether exercise-y or not.

When have you accomplished something you were sure you couldn’t do?

I can’t wait to hear your responses.

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter. ❤

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Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (V+GF): an easy recipe for chewy and satisfying protein-packed trail mix cookies, full of fruits, seeds and nuts. #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree |

☀︎ Did you make this recipe? Take a pic and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #beamingbaker and tag @beamingbaker. I would love to see it! ☀︎


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Here are a few items I used in today’s recipe. 🙂

2-Tablespoon Cookie Scoop | Coconut Sugar | Cookie Sheet

Coconut Oil | GF Rolled Oats (Bulk) |  Maple SyrupGround Flaxseed

OXO Mixing Bowls | Silicone Spatulas | Stainless Steel Measuring Cups

Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (V+GF): an easy recipe for chewy and satisfying protein-packed trail mix cookies, full of fruits, seeds and nuts. #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree |

Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free)

Gluten Free Trail Mix Cookies (V+GF): an easy recipe for chewy and satisfying protein-packed trail mix cookies, full of fruits, seeds and nuts. Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free.
4.80 from 10 votes
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Course: Cookies, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegan
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 25 -30 cookies


Dry Ingredients

Wet Ingredients

Add-in Ingredients


  • Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or greased foil. Set aside.
  • In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients: oats, flour, coconut, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients: flax eggs, coconut oil, almond butter, coconut sugar and vanilla. Whisk until smooth.
  • Pour the wet mixture over the dry mixture. Using a rubber spatula or wooden spoon, stir and fold the ingredients together until well combined. Fold in cranberries, almonds and sunflower seeds.
  • Using a 2-tablespoon cookie scoop, scoop 2 tablespoons of cookie dough onto the prepared baking sheet, spaced evenly apart. Using a fork, gently flatten cookies to desired thickness. Cookies won’t spread during baking.
  • Bake for 8-12 minutes.
  • Using a flat, heatproof spatula, immediately remove cookies from the sheet and place onto a cooling rack. Allow to cool completely before storing. Enjoy!


- Adapted from my Good Morning Breakfast Cookies.
- Store in an airtight container for 1-2 weeks.
- *To sub the oil: Readers have reported that the coconut oil can be successfully substituted with applesauce. Shoutout to Angie! 🙂
- More protein-packed snacks to keep you going all day: no bake snacks, cookies, smoothies.
- Here’s the fantastic cookie scoop that I used in today’s recipe.

© All content and images are protected by copyright. Please do not use my images without my permission. If you wish to republish this recipe, please re-write the entire recipe using your own words and include a link to this post for the recipe.

If you’re loving these gluten free trail mix cookies, you’ll enjoy these Good Morning Breakfast Cookies (Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free). Trust me. 😉

Word on the street is that you love a good snack. Try my No Bake Cranberry Coconut Energy Bites (Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free). Delicious, healthy and so easy to make.

Cookies: the answer to life’s hungriest questions. 😉 Try my Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies (Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free). Full of simple ingredients and fantastically scrumptious.

This post may contain affiliate links, which allow me to make a small commission for my referral, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting Beaming Baker.

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  1. Hi there, I’m not vegan, but am gluten free. Could I just use two eggs, and almond flour vs. Oat flour? Thanks!

    1. Hi Joana, yes, you can sub the eggs. As for using almond flour in place of oat flour… I wouldn’t recommend that. 🙁 Oat flour is much drier (and absorbs wet ingredients much more) than almond flour.

  2. Hi Demeter,

    I am just back from an overseas holiday where my “no process sugar rule” went out the door! I am in desperate need of making these delicious cookies again.

    I forgot to mention last time that I used chia seeds instead of flax seeds. Could that have caused the cookies to crumble? I am a huge fan of chia seeds and usually make a coconut milk cacao pudding for brunch.

    Thank you for so many wonderful and delicious recipes.

    Best wishes and big hugs
    Nicki xx

  3. 5 stars
    These are SOOOO delicious! I make these all the time. This time around, I didn’t have enough almond butter so i used half almond butter, half cashew butter and it was just as good. I also used 1/2 cup raisins and 1/2 cup white chocolate chips only (no nuts or seeds) and I loved it. Thank you for a wonderful and flexible recipe!

    1. That’s fantastic Grace! I’m thrilled to hear how much you enjoy them. . And those add-in combos sound totally delish!

  4. Hi Demeter,

    Greetings from Australia! I love your website and have made these cookies twice. They are delicious but the second time I made them, the cookies crumbled really badly, ie. they almost fell apart. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

    Your site is fabulous and your stories are wonderful!

    Keep up the good work.

    I just had a cookie for brunch with coconut yoghurt and raspberries!!


    1. Hi Nicki, I’m waving back to you from Boston, Massaschusetts! . So they worked out the first time? Did you make any substitutions? Also, did you allow the flax eggs to set until they gelled up? (I’m going to go ahead and change the setting time to 15 mins on the recipe to make sure!) Hopefully we can get this figured out. 🙂 Thank you so much for your sweet note. Hugs!

      1. Hi Demeter,

        Thank you for your sweet and prompt response.

        The only modification I made was to cut down on the cranberries and added a few soaked prunes and dried apricots.

        I always make my own crackers and use linseeds and I find they seem to gel better than using ground linseeds. Sorry, we call them flaxseeds here in Australia. I did notice notice both times that the ground gel did not seem to “gel” too well. I did leave it longer than 10 minutes to try and make it gellier – haha. What a silly word!!

        Anyway, they taste delicious, and crumbly doesn’t affect the taste. Still, I would really like them to remain whole. They look better!!

        Big hugs back to you.

        I cannot wait to try more of your recipes – they are great, and I collect recipes from hundreds of sites, but I am very impressed with yours.

        Talk soon.


      2. Hi Nicki, it’s my pleasure. 🙂

        Add-ins: I think the issue here might be the size of your add-ins. Make sure the prunes and apricots are almost finely chopped. If they’re too large, the cookies won’t stay together. Also, make sure you measure the quantity too. Too much and the cookies won’t stay together.

        Flaxseed/linseed: a while back, I tried a ground flax brand that didn’t gel up very well. Make sure you use one that’s made of finely ground flaxseeds (similar texture to almond meal). If you’re using one with small shell pieces intact, those won’t gel up as well. Good luck & thank you so much for your sweet words. I truly appreciate it. ❤️

    1. Hi Caroline, can you have chia seeds at all? Chia eggs would be a closer substitute. 🙂

  5. 5 stars
    San Diego sounds like an awesome city! Though I’m not sure if all those exercise loving people would make me be motivated or just stay at home crying about my laziness. That conversation you had with Penny is basically what I had last time hiking with friends: “Waaa-ter. Pleeease!!”.But I’m really proud of you for doing it 🙂
    These cookies look super tasty again. Totally healthy and packed with so many nutritious goodness! Pinned of course, need these for my next hiking 😉

    1. LOL. Girl, you always give me a good laugh! I’d totally drag you out to exercise, and then you’d end up ahead of me on the mountain! Lol. See, now there’s nothing to worry about… I’d keep your confidence up! Lol. 😉 Can’t wait to hear all about your next hike! Thank you for pinning, E! 🙂

  6. 5 stars
    Kids hyped up on kale…ants passing you by…hahahaha! I cannot handle this! It’s 11:00 and I should be sleeping but you are keeping me up! This is hysterical! I am so happy you made it to the top and got to experience the awesome reward of that amazing view! You go girl! And these cookies? I’ll take a baker’s dozen, please! 🙂

    1. Lolol. Whoops! Sorry my friend. 😉 What could be better than making it to the top? 😉 Of course, sweet baker’s dozen for a sweet friend. 😉 Thanks Annie!

  7. Nothing gets me ready for the week like an inspirational story like this one 🙂 Getting out to the west coast is on my bucket list, I’ve been an east coaster my whole life and while I do quite enjoy it, I know there are so many cool things out there! Trail mix cookies sound absolutely fabulous – healthy energy snacks in cookie form?! Sign me up!

    1. Yeah! Imagine me fist pumping right now! 😉 I think you’d really enjoy it, Jessica. 🙂 Let me know how you like it if you do!! There are so many wonderful gems in California. <3 Signing you to the top of the list. Lol. 😉

  8. I love your stories sooooooooooooooo much, and this was one of your best! Props to you for the hiking, and for these cookies, which look like the picture of healthy deliciousness. We got engaged in San Fran, and so it will always be one of my favorite places in the world. 🙂

    1. Aw, thank you SO much Kate. That means a lot to me. 🙂 Imagine me standing here proudly in the afterglow of your kind compliments. 🙂 One day I’ll have to hear all about your engagement story. <3 In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend, my friend. xo

  9. 5 stars
    Yes to hiking and getting up to the top to an awesome view! I love hiking, especially since moving to New England. Hiking is the best up here (because no poisonous snakes. I hate snakes!) and mild temps. I went to California for 3 weeks with my Mom once and we drove from San Fransisco down the coast to Los Angeles, stopping in Carmel-by-the-sea, Big Sur, Morro Bay, etc. It was absolutely gorgeous and if I ever have mucho money, I’m moving out there 😉 Gotta make these cookies next time I go camping and hiking. They are the perfect treat and I’m always game for anything with dried cranberries. Yummy!! Have a great weekend Demeter 🙂

    1. Yay for no poisonous snakes!! Hehe. You and I have got to go on a hike sometime, Karrie! 🙂 Too true about the mild temps. It’s hot as heck in California (as least SoCal) during these hikes. Here’s to hoping you have mucho money so you can move to California! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend. Muah! xoxo

  10. I love hiking almost as much as I love your stories? And mid-trail snacks are one of my favorite parts of course! The sweet sweet feeling of breathless accomplishment at the top of a long mountain climb–one of my favorite feelings! So I have to admit I didn’t really know there were mountains in San Francis-…I mean Diego?, but dang it sounds like an amazing place. Everybody always moving would be kind of intimidating and motivating all at once. Cowles Mountain, one day you and I will meet. And I will think of Demeter the whole way up! Unless she’s there with me of course…California meet-up??? (don’t know why I just switched to talking about you like you’re not here lol…I’ll switch back now) Hiking is one thing I really miss down here? I’m sure you have some awesome hikes in Maine too, yes? I got a lot of giggles out of this post, but I must say the snail emoji topped the list? Now let’s talk trail cookies for a moment…chewy, chunky, and FLIPPING FANTASTIC? I want to bake a batch and then go find me a mountain so I can enjoy them fully with tired legs and crisp mountain air!? After all this hiking talk, I hope your weekend has some outside time worked into it ❤️ xx

    1. That’s wonderful, Nat. When we meet up, we’ve GOT to plan a hike! Nothing like sweating together for maximum bonding. Lol. Breathless accomplishment: that’s EXACTLY it!! It’s like you climbed a mountain or something… wait a minute. 😉 Lolol. Go San Diego!!! Haha. A California meet-up sounds awesome!!! Or a Hawaii meetup? I’m game for it all! I live pretty far from hiking areas… but I’m sure many abound. I’ve got to get out more! 😉 I knew you’d love the snail emoji! That one’s for you, my dear lady bird. Come on over so we can go hiking and then enjoy some cookies. Muah! xoxo

    1. Adventuring is the best reason to go! Allow me to add EXTRA chocolate chips for you, Marsha! <3

  11. I love San Diego! I’ve only been there twice, but it’s on my list of places to go back to, and soon! And I definitely need to try hiking next time. Sounds like you had a blast, despite your rocky start. And these cookies…oh my word do they look GOOD! So perfect for climbing a mountain, and by mountain, I mean walking around my neighborhood haha! 🙂 Love how thick and full of flavor they are! Pinned, of course! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Isn’t it wonderful? 🙂 You’ve got to make time for hiking the next time you go. It’s amazing!!! Walking around your neighborhood, climbing a mountain: do what makes you happy, G! 🙂 Thank you for pinning, my friend. Happy weekend! xoxo

  12. 5 stars
    AWWWWWW! ALL THE FEEL GOOD VIBES!!!! Hold on, I’m sending you fist bumps, high fives and heel taps! And a bunch of hugs! Such a great post, Demeter! Now you have me wanting to go, like, conquer climbing a mountain or something super rad. I just need to make sure whatever I’m doing, I’m in shoes that don’t pinch my feet – well hello there bedazzled flip flops! hahaha. SO proud of you for finishing that hike and never giving up! You are my hero. <3 I bet the view was totally worth the sweat and emotional tears! I've never been to San Diego, but it has been on the top of my list of places to visit for FOREVER. I even had my heart set on living there one day a long time ago. One day I'll make it there! You should come with me! We can take our jet packs! 😉 Anyways, sorry I'll reign in the rambling. These cookies!! Hip Hip Hooray! I loooove these, girlfriend! So healthy, yet delicious and packed with all the nutritious eats! Plus loads of texture! YES! I think I'll make a few dozen of these, sit on the couch and envision myself conquering a hike. hahahahaha! 🙂 Pinned!! Cheers, snickerdoodle! xoxoxo

    1. YAAAASSSSS!!! Hehe. I will take three of each please: first bumps, high fives, heel taps. And then another round, right after we hugs it out. 😉 If you wear the bedazzled flip flops, I’ll have to carry you! Dang it. One more hug and I’ll be able to do it though. 😉 Okay, it’s decided, we’re both taking our jet packs, heel taps and our dreams to SD. Let’s do this! Okay, but who’s packing the flip flops??? Never apologize for chatting with me, my friend. I LOVE it. Envision away! Lololol. Thank you my cinnamon roll cupcake. <3 <3 <3

  13. Hi Demeter, lovely story and congrats on making it to the top. I think sometimes we have to push hard and almost fall out of our comforts and lungs to achieve something, whether a climb, a new venture etc. I used to run kilometers up[on kilometers, the beginning excruciating but then something happened freedom and will combined with sheer exhilaration and a 5 km run turned to 15. The trail mix cookies are fantastic, the perfect thing for that trail hike and I love trail mix, just dumping handfuls into my mouth and chewing and tasting those wonderful flavors. What a great post and story I was laughing and cheering at the same time.
    You to have a great weekend.. P.S. San Diego sounds amazing have to check it out.
    Cheers Loreto

    1. Hi Loreto, thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment. 🙂 They always make my day. So true on running and pushing limits: you can do more than you think. And when you overcome that hump in your mind, you feel such an energizing sense of freedom. So glad you enjoyed the post Loreto. And thank you again for sharing your experiences with me. Cheers, my friend! 🙂

  14. 5 stars
    Hi Demeter,

    I love your story. It was such an inspiration! It really is so important to have people support us in our lives. I totally imagined you hiking up Cowles Mountain! I have hiked that trail and it is no joke! It is REALLY steep!

    San Diego is truly stunning. One of the prettiest places I have visited. All the nice weather, palm trees, and water everywhere. And you are right! San Diegans love to work out outdoors!

    I love the recipes on your blog (they’re super delicious!) and have come to know/love your family! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

    1. Hi Lucy! It’s always a pleasure to read your comments. 🙂 Support: so true. With the right kind of support, we can do anything. SD is the best!! SO beautiful and just good for you. I’m so happy to hear that you loved it too. Thank you for sharing these moments with me. 🙂 <3

    1. So funny that everyone keeps mentioning SF. This time, I was talking about San Diego. 😉 Thanks so much Puja!

  15. I’ve never been to San Francisco before, but would love to go! Sounds amazing! I regularly work out, about 5 times per week. It’s definitely part of my routine now and I do enjoy it 🙂 I don’t often exercise outside, but when I do go for a walk, it’s usually just leisurely. High five to you for hiking and doing it! I’ve heard that often times our mind gives up before our body does when exercising. You go girl 🙂 !!

    These cookies look delicious…so chocked full of goodies! I would totally go for a sweaty hike in order to get a bunch of these, Demeter! Promises of food always gets me, lol 😀 Pinned, of course.

    Have a lovely weekend, friend. xoxo

    1. I used to live in San Francisco too! But this time I was talking about San Diego. 😉 It’s such a fitness paradise, you would love it Dawn! 5x a week is stellar. You go too! Totally true on the mind giving up before the body. It’s all mental right? We can do more than we think. Promises of food are always the way to go! Thank you for pinning and stopping by. Happy weekend to you, friend. xo

      1. I’m pleased to announce: it’s FRIDAY!!!! Yay!! Have a wonderfully relaxing weekend, my friend. <3

  16. Aw, haha! That was such a sweet tale! I think I need to move to San Diago! Those are my people! Warmth, exercise, sunshine…yes please!
    When you finally get to the top of that hike and can refuel with these “trail babies”….well….I think ANYONE could get through that hike 😉

    1. I’m so happy you enjoyed it Rebecca! Oh, you would TOTALLY love San Diego! Everyone is working out, all the time! The sun, the fitness and the easy smiles–I miss it so much. 🙂 Thanks so much friend. 🙂

  17. Demeter – we both have cookies on da brain!!! These sound and look supa delightful and while I can imagine how beautiful Cowles Mountain must have been, girrrrl, that mountain of these Trail Mix Cookies is a sight for feast my eyes on this A.M.! Now if only ma belly and tastebuds could feast on ’em too!!! 🙂
    My daughter and I went to San Diego about 5 years ago for Comic Con (yes we are quite the nerds) and while we didn’t hike all the hot spots, I have to admit – it is a fitness lovers dream – if cost of living wasn’t as crazy there as in Atlanta, I wouldv’e moved for sure!
    On a serious note, way to go persevering in your climb – I love hiking here in the North Georgia Mountains – for me hiking has been such a truly humbling and exhilirating experience!
    Happy Thursday to you! XOXO

    1. Cookie friends!! Best kind of friends, right? 😉 Cowles Mountain was so beautiful Shashi, you should have seen it. 🙂 Y’all went to Comic Con? How cool is that? Fellow nerd here!! Yeah, the cost of living is crazy high… but ya know, worth it for some. Hehe. I love that we share a passion for hiking. There’s nothing quite like it. Happy Thursday to you too, my friend! xoxo

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