No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars (Vegan, Gluten Free)

No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars (V+GF): Soft and chewy granola bars that taste just like an oatmeal raisin cookie. An easy Vegan and Gluten Free recipe made with whole ingredients.

Oh life, how did we get here? What culinary sorcery has led to these No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars?

Well, there’s a story. Isn’t there always a story? 😉

Confession time: When I was a little kid, I thought oatmeal raisin cookies were made to trick us kids into eating healthy foods. In my young mind, these cookies were the equivalent of spinach muffins or, worse… carrot cake. Just–I know, I know, I was also wrong about the carrot cake. But, come on! If the word “carrot” was in there, how could it be a real dessert?

Anyway, it was during elementary school field trips that I was forced to encounter these so-called trick cookies. The teachers would get all of us kids lined up in a row, then point us towards a huge spread of semi-mysterious, crinkly brown paper bags that we were to choose from.

No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars (V+GF): Soft and chewy granola bars that taste just like an oatmeal raisin cookie. An easy Vegan and Gluten Free recipe made with whole ingredients. BEAMINGBAKER.COM #Vegan #GlutenFree

All I knew was that I really, really hoped I would get the “good” bag, which was filled with Cheetos, a grilled cheese sandwich and a chocolate chip cookie. I just hoped and wished as hard as I could that I wouldn’t get the “bad” bag, which was filled with apple chips, a veggie sandwich and, wait for it…

An oatmeal cookie.

Guuuurl, those were the un-fun bags. The kind adults wanted to pick.


Well, one fateful day, I got stuck with one of these Healthy But Totally Gross lunch bags.

Sighing, but dutifully resigned, I sat down with one of these bags, pushed my sleeves up and wiped my fingers over my glasses to clear them out. After all, this was business. Healthy, non-fun business.

I ate the sando, because, well, what choice did I really have? I munched on the apple chips… which were surprisingly good (make that Item #3 on the list of Foods I Was Wrong About). And then, it was time for The Oatmeal Cookie.

No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars (V+GF): Soft and chewy granola bars that taste just like an oatmeal raisin cookie. An easy Vegan and Gluten Free recipe made with whole ingredients. BEAMINGBAKER.COM #Vegan #GlutenFree

As I peeled the wax paper sleeve open, I caught a big whiff of something homey, something sweet.

The cookie stared at me. And I stared at the cookie.

I thought, why not? Kids like me were supposed to go on adventures and take big risks. What bigger risk could I take than to eat this trick cookie?

I took a bite. And immediately, the cinnamon, the sugar and all of those juicy raisins brought happiness to my mouth. With every chew, I became convinced that the real trick these adults were trying to pull was letting us kids believe these cookies weren’t good. How rude! How deceiving! (I was not a trusting child.)

Well, I knew better now.

And to this day, I first decline, then double-back whenever I’m offered an oatmeal raisin cookie. After all, I’m a savvy adult now. I finally know better. 😉

When you bite into one of these no bake oatmeal raisin granola bars, you’ll know immediately how incredibly wrong I was about those oatmeal raisin cookies. In fact, you probably already knew that, you smart cookie, you.

No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars (V+GF): Soft and chewy granola bars that taste just like an oatmeal raisin cookie. An easy Vegan and Gluten Free recipe made with whole ingredients. BEAMINGBAKER.COM #Vegan #GlutenFree

Now, don’t tell any of the kids in your vicinity, but *whispers* I actually made this guy nice and healthy. But, shhhh! Let’s not scare them off! After all, it’s our duty as adults to trick them into eating better. Right?

Let me *quietly* tell you all about them. These No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars are:

  • soft and chewy like a trick cookie an oatmeal raisin cookie
  • so incredibly easy to make
  • made with simple, whole ingredients
  • vegan and gluten free
  • nutritiously packed with protein and vitamins
  • a super convenient snack

If you already love oatmeal raisin cookies, you’re probably already drooling over these. If you’re like the little beaming baker, prepare to be blown away.

After all, who doesn’t need a bit of culinary adventure in their lives?

No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars (V+GF): Soft and chewy granola bars that taste just like an oatmeal raisin cookie. An easy Vegan and Gluten Free recipe made with whole ingredients. BEAMINGBAKER.COM #Vegan #GlutenFree

Healthy Granola + Granola Bars We Love

No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars (V+GF): Soft and chewy granola bars that taste just like an oatmeal raisin cookie. An easy Vegan and Gluten Free recipe made with whole ingredients. BEAMINGBAKER.COM #Vegan #GlutenFree

No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars (Vegan, Gluten Free)

No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars (V+GF): Soft and chewy granola bars that taste just like an oatmeal raisin cookie. An easy Vegan and Gluten Free recipe made with whole ingredients.
5 from 12 votes
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Course: Gluten Free, No Bake, Snacks, Vegan
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 18 granola bars


Dry Ingredients

Wet Ingredients

Add-in Ingredients

  • 3/4 cup raisins
  • ½ cup chopped walnuts optional, or other toppings


  • Line a 9x9 baking pan with parchment paper or wax paper. Set aside.
  • In a large bowl, whisk together all of the dry ingredients: oats, flour, coconut, cinnamon and salt.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together all of the wet ingredients: flax eggs, coconut oil, nut butter, maple syrup and vanilla. Whisk until smooth.
  • Pour the wet mixture over the dry mixture. Use a rubber spatula or wooden spoon to fold the ingredients together until well combined. Fold in raisins and walnuts.
  • Pour into the prepared baking pan. Spread granola bar mixture into an even layer, pressing down until tightly packed and smooth.
  • Place baking pan in freezer for 15-20 minutes, or in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • Remove from the freezer/refrigerator. Grab the paper liner and lift the bars out of the baking pan. Set onto an even surface and slice into 18 bars. Enjoy!


- Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. You may also freeze these for up to a month.
- Storing at room temperature: These bars will be slightly soft, but still firm at room temperature. If you’re bringing these as a snack, make sure to store them in a hard container, like a Tupperware.
- *To make homemade oat flour: place rolled oats into a blender. Blend until you get a just slightly grainy flour. Remember: 1 cup of rolled oats does not equal 1 cup of oat flour. You’ll need to blend more rolled oats to create less flour- the oats decrease in volume as you turn it into a flour. It’s easiest to blend up a big batch of oat flour, and just scoop out what’s needed for any recipe.
- Adapted from my Good Morning Breakfast Cookies.

© All content and images are protected by copyright. Please do not use my images without my permission. If you wish to republish this recipe, please re-write the entire recipe using your own words and include a link to this post for the recipe.

If you enjoy the ingredients in these no bake oatmeal raisin granola bars, you just might love my Good Morning Breakfast Cookies (Vegan + Gluten Free).

Good Morning Breakfast Cookies: an easy recipe for feel-good, energy-boosting cookies made with whole ingredients. BEAMINGBAKER.COM #vegan #glutenfree

What better way to channel your inner kid than with this Protein-Rich Strawberry Peanut Butter Smoothie? 🙂

Protein-Packed Strawberry Peanut Butter Smoothie: Just 5 simple ingredients in a quick and easy recipe for a creamy, healthy and protein-rich smoothie chockfull of strawberries and peanut butter. BEAMINGBAKER.COM #healthy #5ingredients

Question of the Day

What food did you dislike as a kid, but find yourself enjoying as an adult?

I can’t wait to hear your responses.

Love, demeter | beaming baker

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    1. Hehe. Thanks so much Swayam! Sending you a big, virtual stack. Thanks for commenting and pinning! 🙂

  1. Oh I love that story, Demeter! I actually never really liked oatmeal cookies growing up, mainly because of the raisins. I love raisins but don’t like them in anything. But I have a feeling I would love the chewy texture and flavor of these bars. I can’t get over how gorgeous these are! And even better that they’re gluten free too. Sounds like such a delicious breakfast, snack or dessert. Pinned, of course! Hope you’re having a great Monday!

    1. Thanks so much Gayle! That means a lot to me. 🙂 So you like eating them alone? Super interesting. These are super chewy and delicious. Thank you for the kind words and for pinning. Hope you’re enjoying AZ! 😉 xo

  2. Oh boy, there were a lot of foods I didn’t like as a kid. A LOT. Like onions, fish, tomatoes, celery, steaks that were too rare, pecans, and of course oatmeal raisin cookies. lol Thankfully, I’ve finally learned to be more open minded with food. These look amazing, I wish I had some to eat right now! 🙂

    1. Haha. What a list! Very impressive. 😉 It’s super cool that you opened your mind to new foods–there’s so many new experiences to be had. Thanks Megan. 🙂

  3. I can totally relate to how you felt about oatmeal cookies as a child. Like, who in the world would want oatmeals and raisins in dessert?? But I also had my mind changed just like you and looooove oatmeal raisin cookies now. This looks like an amazingly delicious and healthy way to enjoy the oatmeal raisin flavor!!

    1. LOL. Right?? It just sounded so… not yummy. It’s so funny how we change our minds as adults! Must be the experience, wisdom and all that good stuff. Thanks Ashlyn! 🙂

    1. Haha. Aren’t those two of the best words, like ever? Well, besides chocolate, walnuts, caramel… Hmm. 😉 Thanks Rahul!

  4. 5 stars
    I’ll eat oatmeal raisin cookies for breakfast!! Okay, I know they are granola bars but whatever. It doesn’t matter what you call them, I will eat them 😉 Healthy and vegan also so there’s nothing here not to like…well, I like everything you make so there’s that too. It’s all yummy 🙂

    1. Wohoo! That’s my Karrie. 😉 Forget about the semantics, as long as you’re enjoying them. 🙂 Thanks! Hope you have an awesome week. 🙂

  5. Wow. There’s a lot of cinnamon in there. Love it! You know, I hate oatmeal cookies too when I was younger. We have the same reaction: Yuck! It feels like I’m eating shredded paper or cardboard. But now I love them as much as I love chocolate chip cookies. If I see them before as the most boring cookies ever made, now I consider them as my precious guilt-free (ehem) cookies. Thanks Demeter, pinning this to my healthy choices board. Another great (and no-bake too!) post-workout treat!

    1. Hehe. I have a not-so-secret love for cinnamon. But honestly, it’s a very mild flavor in this bar. It’s mostly there to bring out the raisin and oatmeal flavors. 🙂 Meanwhile, shredded cardboard? Goodness!! Lol. It’s so funny how you love them now–growing up sure is a colorful journey. 😉 Thanks so much for pinning and stopping by, Sheryl! xoxo

  6. Hahaha…your stories are so cute! I know what you mean, though. As kids to think of a oatmeal raisin cookie vs a chocolate chip cookie, for example, the popular choice would be the chocolate chip. But, the oatmeal raisin are so much better. I’m loving these bars and would gladly choose these any day! Once again, awesome recipe, girl! Pinning 😉

    1. Thanks so much Dawn! That means a lot, coming from you. 🙂 I’m still cracking up over ALL of your stories. 🙂 So true on the comparison. Who’s honestly gonna pass up chocolate for raisins? Thanks so much Dawn! Hope you have an awesome week. 🙂

  7. Yayyy, story time! Demeter, you actually are not only good at writing recipes but at writing in general. I loved reading this! Please include stories like that more often? I seriously pictured you there, with the glasses, staring at this cookie with so much disbelief… Haha!

    To be honest I don’t like raisins in cookies or bars but I do like cookies and bars so…. I guess I’ll have to taste them. Some day. The list grows and grows.

    Have a good week! Hugs

    1. Aw, thank you so much Vivian! I’m just learning to open up a bit more. I’m really glad that you enjoyed it. Btw, happy belated birthday!! 🙂
      Yes! I used to hate raisins too, but somewhere along the way, I realized how delicious and sweet they were (probably during The Incident. Haha). Thanks for stopping by Viv! Hugs to ya. <3

      1. That’s good! I’m really happy it’s working because it’s a lot of fun to read 🙂
        Aww haha thank you!
        I don’t hate raisins, for some reason I just don’t like them in my cookies. But I suppose I should try it because I might have that same realization!

        You’re welcome! Thanks for sharing your recipes 🙂

  8. 5 stars
    You always make me smile. Also because I had the exact same assumptions as a kid. I was sure, that carrot cake, anything with oats or raisins and apple chips are something terrible and disgusting (hahaha, but I liked things like spinach muffin). Though I don’t remember when I realised that these things are actually pretty delicious 😉

    And, yum! I am looking for ages for a good no-bake granola bar recipe. I tried to make a few types before, but mine were never this beautiful and always fell into million pieces. So thank you! Pinned 🙂

    1. Aw… that is probably the best thing I could hear. 🙂 How much do we think alike though? Lol. Funny how we were the kids who acted like they were allergic to healthy and then went the opposite way as adults. Rebellion: who can predict how it’ll turn out? Haha. So interesting that you enjoyed spinach muffins!
      These will NOT fall apart on you–that was one of my major goals for these. I totally get flustered when no bake gbars fall apart–it’s the worst! Thanks for pinning and stopping by Evi! 🙂

  9. I’m thrilled you have posted this yummy looking bars! As a Kindergarten requirement, I pack a snack for my daughter every day, usually fish crackers or a granola bar. But granola bars are expensive and not all that healthy for you. She loves raisins too so I need to make these asap. Hope you had a lovely weekend!!!

    1. Yay!!! I’m thrilled that you’re thrilled, Laura. 🙂 So true on both points about granola bars. I feel guilty just looking at the storebought sometimes (yup, I’m that dramatic. Haha). Hope you get a chance to make these and report back. Have an awesome week. Thanks Laura! 🙂

  10. 5 stars
    Hahahaha! You always know how to bring the giggles, girlfriend. AND the deliciousness!! I use to detest oatmeal raisin cookies too! But now they are totally one of my favorites EVA… like I may have just had half of one with my breakfast. 😉 So you KNOW I am looooooving these granola bars!! One of my favorite cookies turned into a no bake bar? Yaaahhhhss! Hook a sistah up! These look like chewy, flavorful perfection. And totally dangerous, because no way am I going to eat just 1 or 5 of these in one sitting. Thank God they are granola healthy. 😉 Pinned! Cheers, buttercup! xo

    1. Only ’cause you shared your laughing gas with me! Lol… Thank goodness you feel the same way–it’s good that we both saw the light eventually, right? 😉 I’m promptly working on getting our conveyor belt/ruby slippers to find a two-way line to transport your goodies and mine. Thanks so much Chey! Have a great week, hot stuff! xoxo

  11. 5 stars
    Haha, sounds like we had the same opinion of oatmeal raisin cookies as a kid! I was the exact same way (and then I had one…and of course loved it). I love how you were inspired by the cookies and turned them into granola bars! These look delicious, and extra points that they’re healthy – definitely will need to make a batch of these soon!

    1. Oh, thank goodness someone felt the same way. Lol. I always get a weird look whenever I tell that story. Healthy + yummy are just everything. Don’t ya think? Thanks so much Michelle! So nice to meet ya. 😉

  12. 5 stars
    Yum! I would have liked these as a kid but would most certainly make these part of a regular diet now! I hated chili as a kid. Hated! But now – whenever hubby’s in the mood to make it – I’m the first to grab a big bowl! Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe!

    1. Awesome! So you were the smart cookie then. Hehe. Oh, chili! That’s a good one. 🙂 Thanks Annie!