3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups (Gluten Free, Vegan, Dairy-Free, One Bowl)

3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups (V, GF): an easy, one bowl recipe for indulgently rich chocolate cups packed with crisp rice cereal. Vegan, Gluten Free, One Bowl, Dairy-Free.

First there were bars, then there were cups. First there was Monstee, then there was me. Well, actually, there was Penny, then Monica (aka Monstee), Jenny and finally me. 🙂 In case you’re a little lost, all of those fine names are my sisters, in order of birth, not importance. . And in case you haven’t guessed yet, I’m the youngest.

I know, it explains A LOT. 😉

3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups (V, GF): an easy, one bowl recipe for indulgently rich chocolate cups packed with crisp rice cereal. #Vegan #GlutenFree #OneBowl | BeamingBaker.com

As May gets its engines rolling (whatever that means) and we start getting much better weather and even allow ourselves to start thinking about summer fun, the time comes around for one of my favorite official holidays to celebrate: my sister Monica’s birthday! Yep, it’s a national holiday. Ahem.

I’m raising like 100 of these 3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups to celebrate her day. Will you join me? But before we get into the how’s, why’s, and how many can I eat at once’s, let’s hop into the time machine… *cue the storytelling chimes…*

Way back when, let’s say 10 years ago, even though it was really 20+ years ago, Monstee was my big sis, but also my mentor and one of the coolest people I knew. She had cool hair that she could and did flip when necessary, delightful tortoise-shell print wire-rimmed glasses, and rocked baggy clothes like they were her job.

One day, I aspired to grow up to be just like her. To slouch ever so awesomely against a wall and be like, “yep, I’m here, what’s up?” To play basketball like her, to have cool friends like her, and most importantly, to be all-knowing/wise/big-hearted like her.

3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups (V, GF): an easy, one bowl recipe for indulgently rich chocolate cups packed with crisp rice cereal. #Vegan #GlutenFree #OneBowl | BeamingBaker.com

As I was struggling to get out of my awkward phase (it never did end, darnit), I asked her for tips on how to be cooler. And of course, one of these things was how to play basketball. She was one of the star players on the team and got regularly featured in our local newspaper (told you she was cool!).

That day, she took me out to the court and handed me a basketball. I barely even knew how to stand upright without tripping over my own feet, let alone be able to launch a ball high into the air, and then pray for that ball to sink into a hoop. Still, I had to try. I mean, what if I had some hidden, Michael Jordan-level talent buried beneath my sweaty palms and clumsy feet?

So we did a few practice rounds of launching (yes, launching) the ball into the air, somewhere in the direction of the hoop. Monica patiently guided me towards better form—flicking my wrist, bending my knees for more launch power…

And after a full five minutes of trying, I was ready to go again. I braced myself in the most athletic fashion I could muster, bent my knees, flicked my wrists like so, and launched that ball into the air.

3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups (V, GF): an easy, one bowl recipe for indulgently rich chocolate cups packed with crisp rice cereal. #Vegan #GlutenFree #OneBowl | BeamingBaker.com

It ended up hitting the backboard, bouncing off the rim, and rocketing off into space (er, outside of the bounds). I got so frustrated with myself and started telling Monica that I just wasn’t meant to play basketball. I would never be as good as her, or anyone else, for that matter. Some people are just born to do it, and some aren’t.

After calmly waiting for me to vent, Monica, my 16-year-old sister, says to me, “Poopsie, why are you so hard on yourself? We’ve only been doing this for a few minutes. Even NBA players have to practice for years and years to get good.”

She looked me right in the eye, patience, kindness, and knowing in her eyes. We both knew why all four of us were always expecting ourselves to be automatically great at everything, or quickly feeling bad if we weren’t. It was because of the pressure we grew up with.

It was hearing all the time: be the best at everything, or don’t do it at all. 🙁

Our proud mama, Monica and Me. ❤️

Throughout all this completely wrong mindset we were taught, my sisters always persisted in thinking differently. They taught me and each other that life is about experiences, joys, success, adventure, failure, trying, having fun, and just… growing. It’s not about simply winning to meet someone else’s expectations.

As I grew up, and even these days, I find myself calling Monstee and telling her about some new project I’m working on—how I’m disappointed that I’m not doing better, that I’m unsure, uncertain and feeling like I’m not enough. And she’ll say to me, “Poopsie, why are you being so hard on yourself?”

And I’m 9 again, realizing how silly I’m being.

Nowadays, Monica is this amazing professor who teaches her kids to be kinder to themselves, to open their minds beyond the possibilities that are expected of them. She still kicks all the butts at basketball, but has now added bouldering, running, for realsies shaping young minds, and baking (you heard me) to her long list of Cool Stuff She Rocks At.

3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups (V, GF): an easy, one bowl recipe for indulgently rich chocolate cups packed with crisp rice cereal. #Vegan #GlutenFree #OneBowl | BeamingBaker.com

So will you join me in raising a few 3 ingredient homemade Crunch cups and toasting to my sister Monica, the BEST friend/teacher/mentor/basketball coach/sister that anyone could ask for? 🙂 Happy Birthday, Monstee. Love ya loads and loads. ❤️

Now, for a few tasty bulletpoints (how does that not sound tasty?) about these 3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups aka Happy Birthday Monica Homemade Crunch Cups. They’re:

  • made in just one bowl
  • crunchy, crispy, and what’s another word for crispy?
  • vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free
  • seriously easy to make
  • rich, indulgent
  • plant-based and allergy-friendly
  • sweet-tooth satisfying
  • totally worthy of being a birthday present

Are you ready to get your candy cup on? Grab just 3 ingredients, your coolest mixing bowl, and an appetite for all things yummy. I’m so happy to join you in the kitchen, making the tastiest homemade treats EVER! I can’t wait to hear what you think of this recipe! In the meantime, tell me:

What’s your favorite candy cup to date?

  1. Almond Joy Cups | Chocolate Coconut Cups
  2. Peanut Butter Cups | Almond Butter Cups
  3. Cookie Dough Cups | AB Fudge Cups
  4. ________________?

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤️

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3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups (V, GF): an easy, one bowl recipe for indulgently rich chocolate cups packed with crisp rice cereal. #Vegan #GlutenFree #OneBowl | BeamingBaker.com

☀︎ Did you make this recipe? Take a pic and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #beamingbaker and tag @beamingbaker. I would love to see it! ☀︎

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3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups (Gluten Free, Vegan, Dairy-Free, One Bowl)

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3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups (V, GF): an easy, one bowl recipe for indulgently rich chocolate cups packed with crisp rice cereal. Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, One Bowl.


Units Scale
  • 1 1/2 cups vegan chocolate chips
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 3/4 cup vegan gluten free brown rice crisp cereal


  1. Line a 12-cup muffin pan with cupcake liners. Set aside at room temperature. Clear some space in the freezer for this pan—you will need it later.
  2. Melt the chocolate using the double boiler method, or do the following: add chocolate chips and coconut oil to a medium, microwave-safe bowl (large enough to add cereal later). Heat in 20-second increments until softened and melty. Stir in between heating increments, until smooth.
  3. Add cereal to melted chocolate. Using a rubber spatula, stir and fold until well incorporated. Scoop about 2 tablespoons of this mixture into a cupcake liner. Repeat until all liners have been filled. Gently tap the muffin pan to create smooth, even cups.
  4. Freeze for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy! Storing instructions below.


– Adapted from my 4 Ingredient Peppermint Crunch Bars and my Homemade Crunch Bars.
– Storing notes: store in an airtight container for 1-2 weeks (in the refrigerator), 1-2 months (in the freezer). Best if stored in the refrigerator.
– If storing in the freezer, allow to thaw for 10-20 minutes before enjoying.
– More homemade candy recipes: Almond Joy Cups, Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge, Almond Butter Fudge Cups (Paleo), Paleo Almond Joy.

  • Category: Candy, Dessert, Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy-Free

© beamingbaker.com. All content and images are protected by copyright. Please do not use my images or recipe without my permission. If you wish to republish this recipe, please re-write the entire recipe using your own words and include a link to this post for the recipe.

If you enjoyed these 3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Cups, then you’ll love these delicious candy recipes:

☀ Plant-based Homemade Candy Recipes

4 Ingredient Paleo Chocolate Coconut Cups (Paleo, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free)


Paleo Chocolate Almond Butter Fudge Cups (Paleo, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Protein-Rich)

Paleo Chocolate Almond Butter Fudge Cups (V, GF, DF, Paleo): a 3-ingredient recipe for decadently rich almond butter fudge cups packed with almond crunch. #Paleo #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree | BeamingBaker.com


Gluten Free Vegan Peanut Butter Cups (V, GF, Dairy-Free)

Gluten Free Vegan Peanut Butter Cups (V+GF): a simple, 5-ingredient recipe for rich, chocolate cups stuffed with peanut butter filling. #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree | BeamingBaker.com


3 Ingredient Homemade Crunch Bars (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free)


☀ More allergy-friendly candy recipes

Paleo Almond Joy (Paleo, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free)

Gluten Free Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Truffles (GF, V, DF, 5 Ingredient)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles (GF, V, DF)

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  1. Very good recipe and very easy to make
    I didn’t have baking chocolate or chocolate chips so I used chocolate syrup and it worked out great

  2. These look amazing! Do you have any recommendations for replacing the coconut oil? I am allergic to coconut but I want to try these!!

    1. Hi Shauna! Here are a few that I like, some that happen to be “accidentally” vegan and are totally affordable: Guittard Semisweet Chocolate Chips (or Extra Dark if your friend enjoys dark chocolate), Trader Joe’s Semisweet Chocolate Chips. But if you have a dairy allergy, I’d definitely recommend going for Enjoy Life. Also, here’s a guide with a few others: http://namelymarly.com/dairy-free-chocolate-chip-guide/

  3. Happy Birthday to your sister! Such a super cute family photo! 🙂

    OMG, I was hoping you would convert your crunch bars into cups, and here they are. These look absolutely deliciously, and I bet you I could snack on these all day! Hope you’re having a great week, Demeter! xo

    1. Thank you so much, Marsha! <3 I keeping bugging my fam to take photos, and one day that will actually happen! Haha. So happy you love the crunch cups! Wishing you an awesome weekend. xo

  4. How did you know I’ve been craving crunch bars/cups/any-shape-just-gimme-gimme like CRAZY lately!?! I made some a few weeks ago and I just can’t stop wanting more since but haven’t had time to whip up another batch, and we both know store-bought candy is a waste of chocolate chewing compared to homemade. Anyways my fellow youngest in the fam, you know how I love your sister story times especially when they come with very apropos life lessons❤️ I totally feel ya on wanting to instantly be good at anything/everything you do. I hobby-hopped for the longest time for that reason exactly. Being a beginner sucks, but it’s the only way to get to the good stuff. Urgh such a good reminder! And how lucky you were to grow up with 3 such awesome mentors built right in☺️ Lol to never growing out of the awkward phase though, sounds overrated anyways–life = unavoidable awkwardness. These have to be my fave cups to date, although cookie dough is a very close second. But a variety pack would be perfect when you have a spare minute to whip that together. Love ya and wishing you a good (busy!) week.

    1. What can I say, I just know my bestie! <3 🙂 There's just something about that chocolate crunch that is irresistible! The lesson is clear here: we've got to stop being so hard on ourselves! I am seriously SO lucky. So true about that being the only way to get good. Haha. Just gotta stick with it! Variety pack: LOL. One day, I'll get to make everything you requested in one epic care package! <3 Love ya!

  5. Well happy early birthday to my soon to be sister from another mister, Monica! Wait, does Monstee know about the adoption? 🙂 Monica sounds like a a BOSS at life! I mean, I have never even met her (yet) and I want to be just like her! Obviously you two are cut from the same DNA cloth, because all those wonderful things you see in her, I see in YOU, my little D to the Meter! <3 Anywho, these cups are the perfect way to celebrate such a fabulous person! You know I love your other crunch recipes, so I'm definitely swooning over these! PLUS, only 3 ingredients?!?! HOW do you do it, D?!? Your a freggin' MAGICIAN! Pinned of course! Cheers, sweets! xoxoxoxo

    1. Monstee says THANK YOU, sister!! 😉 Okay, maybe I just know she’d say that. I have to tell her about the adoption soon, but don’t want folks gettin’ all jealous! Lol. J/k. She is the boss of EVERYTHING! Aw… thank you so much for being so sweet. <-- And that is one of 1 mil reasons why you're joining the fam! <3 Cheers, cupcake! xoxo

  6. Happy birthday to your sister! These crunch cups look like the perfect way to celebrate. You are the queen of three ingredient recipes, and I’ve GOT to try these cuties. Love how easy this is to make, and the crunch factor is just so fun! I will gladly raise 100 of these up for your sister, and for chocolate treats on Monday! Pinning these cuties! Hope your week is off to a good start!

    1. Aw, thank you Gayle! I’ll pass those birthday wishes along to my sister. 🙂 I’m all about the crunch factor! And the fewer ingredients in the recipe, the better, right? 😉 Wishing you an awesome week ahead! xo