4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Dairy-Free, Protein-Rich)


4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (V, GF): an easy recipe for delightfully chewy no bake cookies bursting with raisins and cinnamon flavor! Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free.

Guess what? It’s my big sister Penny’s birthday!! (Well, not today, but pretty close). And in my family, we celebrate the usual way: with FOOD.

Did you really think it’d be any other way? 🙂

Today, we’re gonna celebrate Penny’s birthday with cookies! Make that 4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. Anyone else feel like making a batch of these with maybe a generous dash of funfetti to help us celebrate? .

And making a batch of vegan gluten free chocolate cupcakes topped with all the funfetti? Just sayin’.

Speaking of which, I should totally make a no bake funfetti cookie recipe. What do you think? Any takers or no? And if I did make these, would you be totally weirded out by peanut butter, almond butter, or any other nut butter being in it? How about adding some birthday sprinkles to these gluten free oatmeal raisin cookies? . .

4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (V, GF): an easy recipe for delightfully chewy no bake cookies bursting with raisins and cinnamon flavor! #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree #Cookies #NoBake #Dessert | Recipe on BeamingBaker.com

I’ve really got to stop putting nut butter in everything… From peanut butter no bake energy bites to vegan almond butter chocolate chip walnut oat cookies, and these 4 ingredient no bake chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookies, to these no bake almond butter paleo brownie bitesSee what I mean?

But honestly, it’s the easiest and tastiest way to make treats all nutrient-rich and such. (Why did I hear that in a cowboy-like twang in my head?) . ← Who’s ever seen this guy?

Back to what I was saying, did I tell you that Penny is the best big sister EVER? In addition to Monica and Jenny (my other best big sisters), of course. 🙂 She’s been so, so unwaveringly supportive of the blog, and jokingly refers to herself as the President of the Beaming Baker Fan Club. Of which there are like 4 total members. Ahem. 😉

Meanwhile, she’s been reading & baking from food blogs since the beginning. Now, I have to give a shoutout to her favorite food blog of all time: smitten kitchen. Okay, her second favorite food blog of all time. Double Ahem. 😉

4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (V, GF): an easy recipe for delightfully chewy no bake cookies bursting with raisins and cinnamon flavor! #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree #Cookies #NoBake #Dessert | Recipe on BeamingBaker.com

So when she tells me that she’s as devoted to Beaming Baker as she is to Deb (the Queen of everything food blogging, duh), I’m like, WHAAAAAA? And thank you!! And what things should I bake/make/engrave with your image to repay you for that compliment?

Also, how and when should I give you all the shoutouts in my post on how to start a food blog?

Me on the left, Penny on the right, glowing like always. 🙂

Also also, you should know that she deserves all the credit for requesting/pestering me about/gently nudging me towards developing these fan favorite recipes:

Anyway, it’s just that her faith and support in me and this little blog is one of the biggest reasons why I keep going. Sometimes I feel such all-consuming doubt, sometimes I just feel too friggin overwhelmed, and sometimes I just don’t know if I’m doing everything as well as I should be.

4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (V, GF): an easy recipe for delightfully chewy no bake cookies bursting with raisins and cinnamon flavor! #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree #Cookies #NoBake #Dessert | Recipe on BeamingBaker.com

Then, I see a note from her. And I know I can keep going.

The last time she visited, she left all these little sticky notes of love and encouragement all over my kitchen. And sometimes, when I’m in the middle of recipe testing trials, totally unsure of myself, one neon pink note catches my eye.

I read it, and it keeps me going.

How lucky am I?

Will you join me in making a batch of these 4 ingredient no bake chewy oatmeal raisin cookies to celebrate one of the best big sisters EVER? 🙂

Happy Birthday Penny! Your love and support are a gift and a blessing I always work hard to try and deserve. ❤

4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (V, GF): an easy recipe for delightfully chewy no bake cookies bursting with raisins and cinnamon flavor! #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree #Cookies #NoBake #Dessert | Recipe on BeamingBaker.com

Now let’s talk cookies!! Allow me to shower you in the tastiest selling points of these 4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. They’re:

  • super special and dedicated to my amazing big sis, Penny
  • chewy, deliciously dense
  • vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free
  • made in just one bowl
  • super easy to make and just the gluten free oatmeal raisin cookie you’ve been looking for
  • a great refined sugar free oatmeal cookie for your healthy cookie jar
  • such an easy vegan chewy oatmeal raisin cookie
  • made with the healthy, whole ingredients you know and love
  • just the protein-rich no bake snack to add to your snack game
  • plant-based and allergy-friendly (yes, you can totally swap the almond butter for your favorite nut or seed butter)
  • made with lots of love for this super special occasion. 🙂

4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (V, GF): an easy recipe for delightfully chewy no bake cookies bursting with raisins and cinnamon flavor! #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree #Cookies #NoBake #Dessert | Recipe on BeamingBaker.com

Grab your juiciest raisins and join me in the kitchen! It’s about to get chewy, delicious, and oatmeal-raisin awesome up in here! Allow me to take a moment to thank you for stopping by. One of my greatest joys in life is sharing these healthy dessert recipes with you. I seriously can’t wait to hear what you think! In the meantime, tell me:

What flavor of no bake cookie would you like to see next?

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤

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4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (V, GF): an easy recipe for delightfully chewy no bake cookies bursting with raisins and cinnamon flavor! #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree #Cookies #NoBake #Dessert | Recipe on BeamingBaker.com

☀︎ Did you make this recipe? Take a pic and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #beamingbaker and tag @beamingbaker. I would love to see it! ☀︎

If you enjoyed these totally snackable, totally irresistible 4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, then you’ll just love these delicious healthy recipes:

☀ More Oatmeal Recipes You’ll Love ☀

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4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (V, GF): an easy recipe for delightfully chewy no bake cookies bursting with raisins and cinnamon flavor! #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree #Cookies #NoBake #Dessert | Recipe on BeamingBaker.com

4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (Gluten-Free, Vegan, Dairy-Free, Protein-Rich)

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4 Ingredient No Bake Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (V, GF): an easy recipe for delightfully chewy no bake cookies bursting with raisins and cinnamon flavor! Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free.


  • 1 cup natural, unsalted creamy almond butter
  • ½ cup pure maple syrup
  • 1 ½ cups gluten free rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup raisins, packed
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)


  1. Line a baking sheet with wax paper or parchment paper. Set aside.
  2. In a large, microwave-safe bowl, add almond butter and maple syrup. Whisk together until well mixed.
  3. Heat in 20-second increments in the microwave until warm and fragrant, and the mixture begins to dry out and become fluffy (about 4-7 rounds). Whisk in between heating increments. *Stovetop instructions in Notes.
  4. Add oats, raisins, and cinnamon, if using, to the almond butter mixture. Stir and fold until thoroughly combined.
  5. Using a 2-tablespoon cookie scoop, scoop and drop balls of cookie dough onto the prepared baking sheet, evenly spaced apart. Using a fork, flatten cookies to desired thickness.
  6. Chill in the freezer for 15-25 mins, until firm. Enjoy! Storing instructions below.


– Adapted from my 3 Ingredient No Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies.
– Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator or at room temperature for up to 1 month. After the first day, you can store them at room temperature—they’ll be more firm.
– *Stovetop Instructions: In a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, add almond butter and maple syrup. Whisk until well incorporated. Stir occasionally, heating until this mixture begins to bubble. Remove from heat and carefully pour over the dry mixture.
– More No Bake Recipes (all v, gf, df): no bake gluten free brownie bites, no bake peanut butter coconut bites, no bake chocolate peanut butter cup oatmeal bars.

  • Category: No Bake, Dessert, Snacks, Cookies, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free

© beamingbaker.com. All content and images are protected by copyright. Please do not use my images or recipe without my permission. Please do not republish this recipe, instead, include a link to this post for the recipe.


Here are a few items I used in today’s recipe. 🙂

OXO Mixing Bowls | Maple Syrup | Cooling Rack | 2-Tablespoon Cookie Scoop | GF Rolled Oats (Bulk)

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