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Coffee Talk #5: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! 😉 August 2018

Hiya! It’s Demeter again. 🙂 In case you’re new to Beaming Baker, I’m the baker behind it all. All = the madness, the cookies, the no bake treats (funnily enough) and the stories. Once a month, we get together to chat about what’s new in our lives and share a little something sweet. You ready? Let’s do this!

Monica’s Visit… My sister, Monica, just came to visit! It was equal parts thrilling, heartwarming, nostalgia-inducing, and goofs-filled. My sisters and I are all super, super close. We even have a group text chain. Okay, everyone has a group text chain nowadays… but I really felt the need to say that since all of these TV/movie casts keep mentioning that like it’s a sure sign that they’re close. Hehe. Anyway, on any given day, our text chain includes anywhere from 55-175+ messages. That’s right, sometimes there are 175 messages in one day. And Jenny can’t be blamed for ALL of them. 😉

Coffee Talk #5: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! ;) August 2018
Me on the left, my big sis Monica on the right. Yes, I also can’t believe she’s older than me! 😉

Side note: after my mom and other sister (Jenny) made fun of Monstee and I for posing at the seriously sweltering T stop, guess what? We got this amazing shot above!! Well, Erik did. 😉 I mean, come on!! How unexpectedly gorgeous of a backdrop are these stylish turnstyles? .Also, how beautiful is my sister? ❤️

Anyway, point is, we’re tight. So it was just the BEST being able to see my sister. Jenny (who lives nearby) and my mom were over the moon to see her. We went out on the town, ate too many things, and had our mandatory semi-annual heart-to-heart chat about How Things Are Going in One’s Life. It definitely made me wish that Monica lived much closer, but I’m grateful for the chance to just see her and catch up.

Do you live close to your siblings? How do you stay in touch if you live far from each other?

Fitness Stuff… so lately I’ve been rediscovering all of my old favorite fitness YouTubers and discovering new ones! I was thinking of sharing a few of the videos I find most motivating (and fun!!) for next Coffee Talk. Would you be interested? Here a couple of my faves:

Dylan & Kai’s Bday party… Party of the Century here, folks!!! Haha. My nephews, Dylan and Kai both celebrated their birthdays in extreme, blocky style. Yep, their mama, my sister, Jenny, had their party at Legoland. They don’t share the same birthday, but the actual dates are super close, so their mama had the great idea to do a two-for-one. We had loads of fun, and honestly, Erik’s inner child really came out at this par-tay.

Let’s just say we were both seeing legos for days and days after that. 😉 The party was super cool because we finally got the chance to see inside of Legoland. Dylan talks about that place nonstop, so it was cool to see what the fuss was all about. There were so many amazing sights to see! Elaborate Lego structures with water, huge play structures and tons of Lego sculptures.

Coffee Talk #5: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! ;) August 2018
My sister Jenny and her two kiddos: Kai (the sweet little baby) and Dylan (the troublemaker posing with his crown). 🙂

Preparing for Fall!… It’s finally almost here!!! Forgive my excitement, but I’ve been preparing for Fall and thinking about the winter holidays for months and months! Sometimes the rest of the year feels almost like just a dry run for THE Holidays. Lol. I’m currently debating if I should hold back a bit on the pumpkin recipes, or just go all out and share 3 or more per month ’til the end of November. Thoughts?

A Sneak Peek of Fall…

Easy Vegan Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins Recipe (V, GF): an easy recipe for moist ‘n fluffy pumpkin muffins bursting with your favorite fall spices. Made with healthy, whole ingredients. #Vegan #GlutenFree #Pumpkin #Muffins #PumpkinSpice #DairyFree #Healthy #Fall #RefinedSugarFree | Recipe at

European Vacation… I asked what recommendations folks had over on Instagram for our next vacation—in Europe, hopefully—and I got a wealth of responses:

  • Scotland
  • Paris
  • Poland
  • Places in Norway: Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim
  • Brighton
  • Prague, Budapest
  • And more!

What place do you suggest? My sister, Penny, has been nudging us towards taking a vacay in the EU. She said that we’re so close in Boston and it would be a waste not to. 😉 In terms of budget and time, we’re pretty much low on both. Lol. But one can hope… and at least do some recon!

Current Popular Recipes

Mini Vegan Brownie Bites Recipe (V, GF): an easy recipe for soft, fudgy ‘n moist two bite mini brownies bursting with rich, chocolate flavor. Made with healthy, whole ingredients. #Vegan #GlutenFree #DairyFree #Brownies #VeganBaking #Chocolate | Recipe at

Current Popular Recipes from the Archives

That’s all for this month! How was your month? Any new developments or plans (hopefully vacay-related) in place? What recipes are you excited or hoping to see? It’s been lovely chatting with you. I can’t wait to catch up with you next time!

Here are a few older Coffee Talks, in case you’re interested: JulyJuneMayAprilCatching Up 2Catching Up 1.

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤️

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About Beaming Baker

Photo of Demeter, author of the Beaming Baker blog.

Hi there!

I'm Demeter, it's nice to meet you! Here, you'll find easy recipes that are fun & approachable. I love cozy movies, a good mystery, and chocolate. Welcome!

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  1. Delaney | Melanie Makes says:

    I want to go to Paris too!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Hope we both get to go in the future!! Hehe. 🙂

  2. Rhonda says:

    Don’t remember if I commented on your last post about feeling down from all the haters, and the many reasons social media can be a bad thing – so going to do it here: I commend you on being brave enough to have a blog and put yourself out there, I have considered doing the same many times – and this is the very reason I have yet to try it. The internet and social media are such amazing things – but like all things, have a dark side as well. Haters are rampant because it’s so easy to judge and say nasty things from afar. Like you mentioned, people who don’t like your site should just move on and find something else they can relate to, instead of having to feel more important by tearing you down. IMHO, I love your posts and recipes and completely respect that you bare your soul “in front of” thousands of strangers. Don’t let those few judge-y people with too much time on their hands make you doubt what you do. I’m sure the VAST majority enjoy your stories, your silliness (you make me L-O-L), and your recipes as much as I do! (sorry, didn’t mean to write a book about the subject, lol!)
    As far as this post goes, love the stories. My summer has been full of getting ready to have a High School Senior who is about to dive into college applications, etc. Trying to mentally prepare for the rush and stress of it all. We did manage to combine a college tour with a vacation to San Francisco, so that was really fun. I, too, love Fall and the holidays – and live in SoCal, so definitely waiting for whatever “Fall” we manage to get- to finally get here! Thanks for sharing your passions, keep on doing what you do!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Rhonda, thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment. I hope that one day you start a blog—as I absolutely love reading your comments and would love reading anything else you wrote. 🙂 I finally, finally realized that I can’t hold myself back for what I feared might happen—but let myself be free and enjoy what *could* happen. Despite the negativity, it’s WORTH it. After all, how would I have the chance, the pleasure, to connect with readers like you?

      No need to ever apologize for “writing me a book.” I think we both know I love to go on and on about things… hehe.

      I’m gonna to take a screenshot of your comment and refer to it when things get a bit tough or negative on the blogosphere. <3

      Meanwhile, how exciting & nerve-wracking and wonderful for you and your soon-to-be adult! 🙂 The college tour and visit sounds like so much fun. Erik and I used to live in SF—in fact, he went to SF State and had a blast (while also making *some* time for “studying.”) 😉 Wishing you some wonderful, truly-fall-esque weather! Big hugs. xo P.S. see, you inspired me to write a “book” back to you!! ..

  3. Amanda says:

    Looks like such a good time! Glad you had so much fun!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Thanks Amanda!

  4. Theresa says:

    Love these coffee talks! I have to agree that fall is such an amazing time of year, I love pumpkin so much!!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Woohoo!! We can both look forward to this fantastic season together! Get ready for all the pumpkin recipes I’ll be sharing. 😉

  5. Cindy Taylor says:

    Hi Demeter!

    Sorry I keep forgetting to leave a review but I made your pumpkin muffins and they were to die for! What I did this summer – I’m extra excited to make more of your recipes because I got a new kitchen.
    My dream European vacay – touring (and sampling!) chocolate shops in Brussels, Paris, wherever there’s chocolate!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Hi Cindy! Oh no worries. 🙂 I’m SO pleased to hear that you enjoyed them! Omigosh, I have to hear more about this kitchen of yours!

      WOW. That’s all I have to say about that. Also, I’m gonna need to tell Erik about your idea so he can immediately start drooling (and dreaming)!!

  6. Jessica Levinson says:

    Enjoyed getting a behind the scenes look into your life! Wow, a party at Legoland sounds so fun! My girls would love that!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Omigosh, it’s incredible! Very cool and a huge hit with the kids. 🙂

  7. Julia says:

    When in Europe, Lisbon (Portugal) and Vienna (Austria) are both fab places to see!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Ohh!!! Thank you for your recommendations!! I always look forward to your comments. 🙂

  8. Sara says:

    I really enjoyed this post! Now I am off to check out the recipes you mentioned! I have a feeling I am going to be in the mood to bake!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Woohoo!!! Sounds great. Happy baking!

  9. Lauren Vavala @ DeliciousLittleBites says:

    Jumping over to check out those Mini Vegan Brownie Bites right now! They look amazing!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Yay!!! Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy!

  10. Dawn says:

    Sounds like you had a busy August! I bet a European vacation would be so fun! Hubby and I are looking at one ourselves 🙂

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      It totally was!! Oh yes, erik and I will be dreaming of that vacay for ages to come! Hehe. Hope you guys have a great trip!