Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk #6: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! 😉 September 2018

Once a month, we take a break from all things baking (okay, that’s not even possible), and spend a few moments to catch up. We’re gonna shoot the breeze, take some time to slow things down and share some fun life updates. Won’t you stay awhile? 🙂 I can’t wait to hear your updates! Be sure to comment below with all the things going on with you. Ready? Let’s do this!

Museums & seeing all the sights in Boston… So Erik and I have this thing where we move all over the place, pick super popular big cities/tourist destinations to live in, and completely miss the whole point. Like, we don’t sightsee at all. At all. We’ve been doing this for years now! We’ve lived in San Francisco, San Diego, Boston (yep, we came back), etc. and barely got a chance to explore. Ages ago, I read somewhere that it’s a great idea to explore your own city like you’re a visiting tourist. It’s like a low(er) budget vacation, and you get to see/appreciate your city in a whole new light.

Now that we’ve moved back to Boston, we’re finally, finally planning on seeing all the sights! Over the years, I’ve had the chance to do the Freedom Trail (and all the sights along that path), taken photos at the Boston Public Gardens, and walked all over Chinatown, Downtown, etc. But Erik and I have never been to an art museum here! Or the local zoos, or the local aquarium. So we’re gonna compile a big ‘ol list of places to visit and start from the top. If you’ve visited/live in Boston, what places would you recommend we visit? If you live in a big city/cool destination, what are your favorite places to visit?

Coffee Talk #6: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! ;) September 2018 | Post at
Erik and I, enjoying the great outdoors in Boston. 🙂

 My fave fitness videos… so remember last month when I shared my current YouTube favorites? A couple folks were interested in what videos I like to do. Here are some faves:

3 Ingredient Healthy Vegan Rice Crispy Treats (V, GF): a chewy homemade vegan rice krispy treats recipe, made with whole, gluten-free, protein-rich ingredients. #RiceCrispyTreats #ProteinPacked #Vegan #GlutenFree #CleanEating #Snacks #HealthySnacks | Recipe at

Sneak Peek Above… Any guesses as to what it is?

In the Kitchen… I can hardly believe that it’s September already! September means that I’m just finishing up the last few touches for fall recipes (last minute guys!!), right in the thick of Thanksgiving and Christmas/Holiday recipes, and starting to think about healthy January foods. Looking back at last year, I realized that I shared way too many peppermint recipes. I literally only planned like 2 or 3 of them and then suddenly, there was 500. Okaaaay, I exaggerate. 😉 This year, I’m looking to do a better variety/spread of treats. And I’d love to do recipes that can smoothly transition from the end of the year holidays into the new year (i.e. yummy, decadent, but also fairly guilt-free).

What recipes would you like to see in November, December and January of next year? Let me know in the comments below, and if I can recipe test the heck out of it and come up with something worthy of your amazing palates, I’ll share it!

Easy Gluten Free Vegan Pumpkin Coffee Cake Recipe (V, GF): a thick layer of moist pumpkin coffee cake with a cinnamon sweet, buttery-rich topping. Made with healthy, whole ingredients. #Vegan #GlutenFree #CoffeeCake #Pumpkin #VeganBaking #CleanEating #Fall #PumpkinSpice | Recipe at

Popular Recipes This Month

Popular Recipes From the Archives

Coffee Talk #6: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! ;) September 2018 | Post at
Grams aka my mom looking like she’s pretty much READY for Halloween!! .

Halloween and then some… Alright, who’s ridiculously excited about Halloween?!?! Anyone else saying ME! ME! ME!!!? Just me?? D’oh! For some reason, Halloween is one of my very favorite holidays. Maybe because it’s spooky, exciting, fun, and totally an awesome reason to let loose and be a bit odd. I’m thinking of possibly sharing a Halloween recipe or two this year… and if it doesn’t outright have spiderwebs or troll eyeballs in it, then it’ll be a yummy homemade candy or two. Also, Erik and I might just finally get dressed up this year!! Are you planning Halloween yet? What kind of treats would you like to see for this spinetingling holiday?

That’s all for today! I hope you had a bit of fun chatting with me. I may or may not try to live a more exciting life so I can have more thrilling updates next month. Lol! J/k… am I even capable?! What have you been up to? What are you most looking forward to in the fall?

In case you’d like to check out the archives, take a peek at past Coffee Talks: August, JulyJuneMayAprilCatching Up 2Catching Up 1.

‘Til next time…

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤️

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About Beaming Baker

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