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Coffee Talk 11: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! March 2019

Happy March! How is your month going so far? 🙂 Are you excited about the prospect of Spring, as it’s just around the corner? I’m seriously looking forward to a change in temperatures, the prospect of new beginnings in Spring and so much more. So are you ready to grab a seat, perhaps a slice of banana bread coffee cake, and spend a little while chatting with me? 🙂

I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to! Comment below—I always love hearing from you. ❤️

Coffee Talk 11: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! March 2019 | Post at

Moving Update—we went to Minneapolis!!!! Like, woah! Right? And guess what? We LOVED it. Like, LOVED it. Erik and I went for a little over a week, and gave ourselves time to explore many different neighborhoods, local eats, big malls (boy do we love us some malls hehe), and interact with the lovely folks who call it home.

We even made time to work throughout the trip… I told Erik that we had to see the city “honestly” aka through “work grump” lenses. Lol. Like… you know when you go on vacation somewhere, everything seems super fun, erm, mainly because you’re not, ya know, working. Well, I told Erik that we have to see it through realistic eyes—and by that, I mean, super-tired-from-work ones. Lol. So we didn’t work the entire time, but we did have full work days, then exploration days throughout.

It was so much fun to see how Minneapolis handles snow, and how much people keep moving (or not) throughout it all. We both wanted to see the city in all of its wintry glory (since so many folks had warned us of how harsh the winter are). We’re pleased to report, it’s doable! Yeah!! I’m thinking the fact that we’ve lived in Maine before, and on-and-off in Boston for years and years, definitely helped to prepare us.

Coffee Talk 11: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! March 2019 | Post at

Things to do in Minneapolis… we went to Eat Street, which is basically this long street with SO MUCH FOOD!! We got donuts at Glam Doll Donuts (YUM), got banh mi at two different restaurants (Jasmine’s Deli and Lu’s Sandwiches). There were vegan options at many, many places. Then, we went downtown and walked the Skyway system for miles and miles—without having to go out in the freezing cold, like once! (Okay, we went out once to call a car.) We walked through a bunch of neighborhoods and surrounding areas, including Whittier, Powderhorn Park, Edina, Loring Park, Uptown, Phillips, Lyndale, etc.

We went to several malls, but the biggest highlight was The Mall of America. Just… WOW. Have you ever been? There’s basically a full theme park in the middle of the mall—Nickelodeon Universe. Erik and I were like two little kids running around the park. We rode a few rollercoasters and my fave—a log run ride. 🙂  We even found a plant-based restaurant, Earth Burger! We had this super yummy coconut soft serve that has me brainstorming some potential recipes for the summer. 😉

We’re pretty excited about the possibility of moving to Minneapolis, but we are still keeping our options open. 😉 We have a good chunk of time left on our current lease, so we have more time to research/visit more options.

Have you ever been to Minneapolis? If so, what were your favorite places to visit? Favorite neighborhoods?

Erik and I are still open to your suggestions on where to move next. 😉 We loved hearing your suggestions and feedback last time. So keep ‘em coming!

Coffee Talk 11: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! March 2019 | Post at
All the kiddos + Momma: Jenny, Me, Penny, Mommy and Monica. ❤️

Happy Birthday, Erik! Happy Birthday, Penny! Yep, not one, but two of my favorite people celebrated their birthdays this month. Wait, does that sentence mean that those two people are my favorite people in the world or two of my favorite people in the world? Oh, bother!

In case you didn’t know, Erik is my partner in life and Beaming Baker… and Penny is my amazing big sis! She is the eldest of four daughters and exactly zero sons. Hehe.

They’re both generous, kind, giving and very, very patient people. So it’s no surprise that they’re both Pisces, if you’re into astrology. 😉 I just realized it’s a tad awkward to wish them both Happy Birthday in one paragraph, but now that I’ve gotten started, I may as well stick with it. Lol. (Time to start wrapping these shenanigans up!) Just… Happy Birthday to my favorite people in the world. I love you both, and I’m so grateful to count you as family. <3

A sneak peek for a new recipe!! Can you guess what it is?

Best Gluten Free Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe (GF, Vegan, Dairy-Free): this easy vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookies recipe has a crispy exterior, soft & chewy interior, with cozy oatmeal flavor. It’s the best GF oatmeal chocolate chip cookies – gluten free, dairy-free and made with healthy ingredients! #Vegan #GlutenFree #ChocolateChip #Cookies #DairyFree #Oatmeal | Recipe at

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That’s all for today, folks! 😉 I hope you had a lovely time chatting with me. It’s always so nice catching up with you every month. Let me know your updates below!

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤️

In case you wanted to catch up with a few past posts:

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About Beaming Baker

Photo of Demeter, author of the Beaming Baker blog.

Hi there!

I'm Demeter, it's nice to meet you! Here, you'll find easy recipes that are fun & approachable. I love cozy movies, a good mystery, and chocolate. Welcome!

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  1. Jannett says:

    Wow!!!! Exciting! So you’ve been in Boston…. and Maine (two of my favorite places, hehe) why not give New Hampshire a try??? BTW hope you are brainstorming that burger recipe..

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Yeah!!!! So cool that you love Boston & Maine! 🙂 How’s the walkability & public transportation in New Hampshire? Do you recommend any specific cities? Burger recipe: I’ll let you know if I do!! Hehe. Bigger hugs back!!!

  2. Nancy says:

    Minneapolis and the surrounding area’s are awesome! The Herbivorous Butcher is great, it’s a plant based shop. Cute atmosphere also. If you come back look them up. Coconut soft serve…was that at wedge co-op? Amazing coconut soft serve shakes. Check out North East Minneapolis, just north if where you were. A craft brewert on almost every corner. It is also know as the art’s district. Plenty of artist’s in the area selling their wares. February was colder and snowier then normal this year so if you thought it was ok, you will do well here. Summers are tge best, walking, biking, kayaking and paddleboarding the chain if lakes! Always something going on. Also, you have to go up to the north shore…it is breathtaking year round! So happy you felt welcome here. We are known for our Minnesota nice attitude..

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      So funny you mentioned the Herbivorous Butcher! We were gonna go, but it was closed the day we checked. Thank you for all of your recommendations!! I’m putting it on my to do list. 🙂 Feb: YES!! It wasn’t bad at all. Maybe bc I’ve lived in Maine? And there were a few winters in Boston that were brutal. Summer: you are seriously getting me so excited about it!!! Nice: if your helpful, warm comment is any indication… 🙂 Hugs to you, Nancy. ❤️

  3. Tina Woods says:

    Wow that sounds amazing. I’ve never been there but I bet they handle the snow better than the Denver Metro area of CO. You have me wanting to visit there soon. Happy home hunting. Best wishes for you to land right where you’re meant to be.

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Hi Tina! It was so much fun. Sorry to hear that the Denver metro area has some issues with it… 🙁 Let me know how you like it if you visit. 🙂 Thank you so much!! Big hugs.

  4. Olivia says:

    Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies? 😉

    I’m so glad you enjoyed Minneapolis!!!!! What was one thing you *didn’t* like, if there was anything? 🙂

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Great guess!! Answer is coming super, super soon! 😉

      Thanks Olivia!!!! 🙂 Hmm… what an interesting question! I couldn’t really think of anything, so I posed it to Erik. He said, “it was too much fun.” Lol. Let u know if I think of anything. 😉

      1. Olivia says:

        Lol, what a great problem to have though!!!!

        I was a kid, so I really didn’t notice anything—it was home. Now that we’ve moved, I guess traffic was one thing that was bothersome, but buses and public transport are great.

        If you’re ever back in Minneapolis in August you must go to the state fair!!!! The food. is. to. die. for. . . besides all the fun stuff to do (just don’t try to do it all in one day, you’ll die… lol)

      2. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

        RIGHT?! Haha. How long did you live there for? What was your favorite thing to do? Ahh, the traffic! Yeah… maybe I’m kinda desensitized to it bc of years of big city traffic congestion. State fair: YES!!! That sounds like so much fun… to do in *several* days!! Hehe. Thanks Olivia!! It’s always a blast chatting with you. 🙂

      3. Olivia says:

        My parents lived there for 12 years, and we lived in our house for nine (they moved in when I was just a few weeks old!). We moved when I was nine. I think my favorite thing to do was go to the zoo or the outdoor parks. We loved exploring the nature. That, and the music. I went to the MacPhail School of Music (now the MacPhail Center for Performing Arts, I believe) to study violin and that was always a highlight of the week. 🙂

      4. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

        Wow, so they were there for quite a while. Oooh, the zoo and outdoor parks sound incredible. I hear the natural beauty there is wonderful. Hoping you still get to play the violin! 🙂 🙂

      5. Olivia says:

        I am a violinist still :). I always wanted to play (since I was three!!) and when I was six my parents *finally* said yes, and I’ve never put it away since then! I’m going to college in the fall for a music performance degree and an emphasis on teaching (I’ve already had three students). I’ve already had my solo debut with an orchestra among many other things. 🙂

  5. Tamra says:

    I absolutely “love” Minneapolis and all the surrounding suburbs! It’s a progressive area with excellent transportation options, bicycles encouraged, walkable areas, as well as all the beautiful lakes. The people are welcoming, and yes, several food options available. Trust me, there’s so much more to discover!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Woohoo!! I’m so happy to hear all of this, Tamra. 🙂 Everything you listed is exactly why Erik and I were feeling it so much! We truly can’t wait to discover so much more. Thank you for your feedback!

  6. Stephanie says:

    I’m definitely beyond ready for Spring. And it sounds like Minneapolis would be a great choice just cause of all the yummy food. Good luck with the move wherever you end up.

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Spring is so close, can’t wait! . And yep, yummy food is definitely a big factor to consider. . Thanks Stephanie!

  7. Julia says:

    If I ever get to visit Minneapolis I bet the Eat Street would be my most favorite part of it! 🙂

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Haha oh for sure! There are sooo many amazing restaurants! .

  8. Jacqueline Debono says:

    I don’t know the States very well as I live in Italy, but Minneapolis sounds like a cool town. You obviously move a lot. Is that a lifestyle choice or work related? Spring has arrived here in Northern Italy. My daffodils are out and the fruit trees are flowering! It’s actually quite early, but I’m not complaining!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Ooooh, I’d LOVE to visit Italy some time! What’s your favorite spot in Italy? (Just asking for future dream vacation reference, lol). Moving a lot: I moved a bunch in the last decade mostly for my mom. She was going through some major life changes and I wanted to be there to support her. She was trying out different places to settle down, and she’s finally found it. So now Erik and I are clear to move to our city of choice. Your daffodils & fruit trees sound amazing!

  9. Tara says:

    Love the photo of you with your sisters and mom. You all look so happy!

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Aww thank you Tara! It’s always so wonderful when we can get together. .

  10. Rosa says:

    Wow sounds like a big move! I have to point out that March isnt the best time to test out winter though. 🙂 Jan and Feb would be the worst of it!! (Although I’m in Canada so our winters are likely much more harsh!)
    Ps. That cookie tease. OMG need the recipe now!! .

    1. Demeter | Beaming Baker says:

      Totally! That’s why we went at the February–and then I wrote this post ASAP. Lol!