Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk 12: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! April 2019

Good morning! [Or… good afternoon, good evening.] 😉 Happy Earth Day & Happy belated Easter! As you can tell, I’m looking straight at a calendar right now, so all of the holidays and then some beg to be mentioned. Hehe. How was your Easter? How is your Earth Day going?

Today, we’re diving right into the monthly Coffee Talk, where we get a chance to catch up, shoot the breeze and just chat. I can’t wait to hear how you’re doing! Make sure to let me know in the comments below. Grab a seat, perhaps your favorite tea or coffee and let’s just sit back, chill and gab. 🙂

Coffee Talk 12: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! April 2019

My sister visited!… My sister Monica and her husband Kevin made a quick trip to Boston for work stuff and happened to carve out some quality time for us. Us being my mom (aka Grams), Jenny, her two kiddos and me & Erik. 🙂 It was so, so good to see her. When we were younger, we’d see each other at least once a month, but now that we live almost 1,000 miles apart (yep, I just Google Map’s that lol), it’s harder to make the time.

Anywho, we caught up on life, retirement plans (she’s totally bitten me with the plan-as-far-in-advance-as-you-can-bug), work and more. Back when I was in college and Monica was in grad school, we’d spend so many weekends together, visiting Disneyland and just shopping all over SoCal. It makes me all wistful for those days, but I’m so happy to see that she’s settled in and, just… happy. 🙂

Coffee Talk 12: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! April 2019

Our 10 year anniversary… Erik and I just celebrated our 10 year anniversary together. It feels so unreal to write that sentence, let alone realize that we did it. Like, have we seriously been together that long?! I remember first meeting Erik when we were both in our early twenties. He was finishing up college, and I’d been outta college for a year or two already, exploring my options.

I was actually just finishing up schooling at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (aka FIDM). We were both living in San Francisco, just figuring it all out. Before going to FIDM, I had a job in recruiting, and before that, I had just graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, with a degree in Political Science. I didn’t really know what to do with my life, but Erik… he was in the middle of a full course-load at SF State and still had a full-time job at an online games company.

I was in awe of how he juggled it all—the responsibility, the time commitments—but it was clear that we were both looking for a bit of adventure and perhaps a bit of romance. 🙂 Since then, we’ve been through some really emotionally-draining hardships, had a few adventures across the globe, made some amazing memories, and perhaps, just perhaps, even grown up a bit.

We even started this ol’ blog together. 🙂

It’s crazy to think that Beaming Baker has been around for over 3 years. Dang, time flies.

So here’s to us. 🙂 Here’s to Erik, here’s to having you along for the ride, and here’s to sharing all of the people, experiences, recipes and good times we store in our hearts.

Have you celebrated any special anniversaries lately?

A sneak peek for a new recipe!! Can you guess what it is?

Super Moist Vegan Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Banana Bread (Gluten Free): a healthy banana bread recipe with oats & chocolate! It’s the ultimate vegan oatmeal banana bread—moist, gluten free, dairy-free, made with GF oat flour! #Vegan #Bananas #GlutenFree #Oats #Chocolate | Recipe at


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How are things are your end? Do you have any updates for me? 😉 As usual, I can’t wait to hear all about it. Wishing you a wonderful Spring, full of new beginnings, joy, happiness and plenty of peace (and a slice of cake, or two). 😉

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤️

In case you wanted to catch up with a few past posts:

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