Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk 14: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! June 2019

Happy June! Something about June always brings a smile to my face. Maybe I’m still thinking of my childhood when school was finally done and it was time for summer fun in June? How has your June been so far? Have you been making all the ice cream and summer plans for much-needed summer vacay times?

I can’t wait to talk about that, moving, cookies, and more today! Grab a nice, cold iced tea and grab a seat by me on the hammock. 🙂 It’s time for our monthly chat ‘n gab. Looking forward to hearing what you’ve been up to! Be sure to let me know in the comments below.

Coffee Talk 14: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! June 2019 | Post at
Erik and my nephew, PB. One of the things we’re gonna miss the most when we move–time with family. ❤️

Moving Plans… So we’re moving very soon! Let the countdown begin! Haha. Just kidding… I’m not really the countdown type, but I am super, super excited to be moving to a new city that Erik and I’ve never lived in before. It’s very thrilling. This move will be different from the last in that we won’t get rid of everything lol. Alright, that’s a tad bit of an exaggeration, but one of the last times we moved (from San Diego to Maine), we moved with only a few suitcases, and did the whole thing via airplane. Cross-country!! As such, we didn’t have much room for… like, anything.

This time around, we’re planning on keeping more than a few suitcases worth of stuff—especially since our current apartment is the place where we truly started to build Beaming Baker into a business. Like, we have actual matching office desks (adulting, baby!), tons of kitchen equipment, and a bunch of Seville metal shelves with like 500 bags of vegan chocolate chips and jars upon jars of almond butter on them.

So our real challenge is figuring out what to keep, what to give to my mom, and what to donate.

Do you have any plans to move this summer? Erik keeps telling me that summer is moving season, and that we *might* just have a better time finding an apartment since there will be so many available. Fingers crossed!

Coffee Talk 14: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! June 2019 | Post at
Reminiscing on Fall in Boston. . Isn’t it beautiful? Hopefully it’ll be just as beautiful where we move. 🙂

Do you have any tips for apartment hunting? Erik and I’ve been apartment hunting like a million times (courtesy of the 10 times we’ve moved in the past 10 years)… but we don’t ever seem to find an apartment that we truly, truly love. Some of that was because of our limited budget at the time, most of that was because we were always in some kind of frantic rush. Meaning: we had 3 days, tops, to find an apartment in a new city. A few times, we only had 1 day!! .

This time around, we’re giving ourselves a longer stretch of time to search, and we’re really going to make sure we at least 75% love it. Lol.

Do you have any suggestions, tips or advice on how to find an awesome apartment? Maybe you have some tips on how to find an amazing apartment in a new city. 🙂 We’re all ears!

4 Ingredient Paleo Almond Butter Ice Cream (Vegan, Keto): creamy, luscious almond butter vegan ice cream in 5 minutes—no churn, easy! This keto ice cream recipe is silky smooth, dairy-free, made without an ice cream maker. #Paleo #Keto #Vegan #IceCream #AlmondButter #DairyFree | Recipe at

Keto Recipes… If you haven’t noticed yet, I’ve started sharing a few keto recipes on the blog (see my 4 Ingredient Paleo Almond Butter Ice Cream (Vegan, Keto). For years now, I’ve been getting more and more requests to share keto recipes. Are you interested? They’ll also be low-carb & mostly sugar-free. Let me know in the comments below. I’d like to try my hand at brand new recipes that are keto, as well as keto-ify existing popular Beaming Baker recipes.

What keto recipes would you like to see on the blog? What existing Beaming Baker recipes would you like for me to make keto, low-carb, sugar-free?

A sneak peek for a new recipe!! Can you guess what it is?

Coffee Talk 14: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! June 2019 | Post at

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Any updates on your end? You know I just love hearing all about it—after all, your comments are the best part of my day (and I make & eat cookies for a living hehe). Wishing you a wonderful, perfectly warm summer, filled with relaxation, laughs and so much love.

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤️

In case you wanted to catch up with a few past posts:

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