Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk 9: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! January 2019

Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2019 already? Last coffee talk, we chatted about holiday plans, visiting family and recipe testing fun. This time around, we’re gonna chat about 2019!! Is that too broad of a topic? 😉 We’ll see… Hehe. Gather ‘round, grab your favorite steaming hot tea or coffee and let’s chat! I can’t wait to hear about your life updates and the goings-on! Going-ons? .

New Year, New You (Us): I’ve been seeing this catchy lil’ phrase everywhere!!! I think it’s mostly meant to be about fitness, but I’m gonna take it to mean all the things. This year on Beaming Baker, we’re going to be rolling out some new changes on the site–majorly based on your recommendations through 2018. We’re super excited and hope you love ‘em! Here are a few:

  • Nutrition Facts on all new recipes
  • Nutrition Facts on old recipes… we’re going back and doing those as time permits.
  • New formatting on posts: we’re trying something new here at BB. I’m going to try and tackle common questions that I get on recipe posts in the post! 😉 I’ll still keep things personal, with stories and such here and there, but I want to add more helpful information for you!
  • New kinds of recipes: I’ve gotten requests for exciting recipe ideas. I’ve started testing and will see what turns out awesome! 😉 More details later.
  • What would you like to see on Beaming Baker this year?

↓Hottest New Recipe of January! Oil-Free Peanut Butter Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies… soft, chewy & so satisfying. .

Coffee Talk 9: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! January 2019 | Post at

Wrapping up 2018… It’s amazing to me that 2018 is over. It feels like: 1) we’re still in it, and simultaneously, 2) it’s been over for ages. I think that might be a professional hazard. Lol. Sometimes I’ll blog certain posts months in advance, other times, I’ll do them the week before. Makes my internal clock all wonky. Meanwhile, I’m not gonna lie, 2018 had many highs and many lows. Erik and I dealt with a number of emotional family issues, quite a few business crises, and well… the world was kinda crazy.

For some reason, we were hoping/expecting/acting like the second the clock hit 12:01am on January 1, 2019 that everything would reset or start anew. That didn’t happen. Lol. But we’re looking ahead and thinking positively. We’re waiting to hear back on two important decisions that could largely impact the blog, so think good thoughts for us!

How about you? What hopes do you have for 2019? What are you still wrapping up from 2018?

Coffee Talk 9: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! January 2019 | Post at

Fitness, Of Course… Ah, the dreaded topic of fitness. 😉 Erik and I took a little break from our FitBits in December—in an attempt to, ya know, not have to track analytics on our own bodies while we had to track analytics daily on our site. Lol. But we’re back in action this month! We’re just taking things slowly and getting back on the health horse, so to speak.

What fitness goals do you have for January? Are you using an activity tracker and finding it helpful? 🙂

A sneek peak for a new recipe!! Can you guess what it is?

Coffee Talk 9: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! January 2019 | Post at

2019 Recipe Requests… What recipe requests do you have for 2019? Let’s say… a few months down the line? I’m taking requests and seeing how I might be able to squeeze them in for the Spring or Summer. 😉

Popular Recipes This Month

Latest Recipes & Favorites

Coffee Talk 9: a chance to catch up on the little things in life—both sweet and salty! January 2019 | Post at

That’s it for this month! How has your month been going so far? What are your new resolutions, if any? I can’t wait to hear about it all! Wishing you a wonderful month ahead & all the joy the new year has in store for us! ‘Til next time…

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤️

In case you wanted to catch up with a few past posts: Coffee Talk 8Coffee Talk 7Coffee Talk 6AugustJulyJuneMayAprilCatching Up 2Catching Up 1.

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